Monday, April 30, 2012

Hey, do you have Updog?

"What's Updog?"

So I haven't been able to post much lately because stuff has been happening. I went to Solo and Ensemble on Saturday, where I thought I failed horribly at my solo but got a 1, which is the best rating. Then I went to the barn, rode Jack, and washed horses/cleaned stalls/polished tack/stared at the foal because there is a show this week.
Okay, staring at the foal was not strictly necessary. But the washing area was taken, what were we supposed to do?

Sunday was composed of cleaning the house for some reason and doing my flower project for science. I finished it today, but it would have gone faster if there hadn't been a birthday/agonized screaming party at the "empty" house across the street. That was a bit distracting.

Today, I did some stupid stuff and my hand decided to almost fall off when I picked up my bag, which was painful but not painful enough for deathscreams like the people across the street did. At a party. I'm not sure I'm stressing the disturbing weirdness enough.

And now, since everything I have to say about my life is boring, here are some pictures!

I legitimately think I laughed for a full five minutes at the last frame.


I found this on CakeWrecks, which you should visit if you enjoy cake and fail.

I would like to know the occasion for this cake. My guess: I'm sorry I violently murdered your floor during the Disney-themed party. That, or someone dropped a knife on the cake and decided to be polite and apologize. In frosting.


This was drawn at school a while ago, when I had Doodle Buddy open and my friends and I drew stuff. I got bored of writing neatly in mid-word (clothespin, if you find it illegible).

I'm not being funny or interesting today. Or at least not up to my usual overwhelmingly awesome standards.

On another note... (Heh. Band humor.) The seniors are gone today, and this means that I, along with my friend, am in charge of the baritones. We're still below the one-person tuba section because he has seniority, but HOLY CRAP. SECTION LEADER. Band people might not understand this, so I'll explain: Section leaders teach the small children to use their new shiny marching instrument, as well as handling the difficult music (first part, which I've played before, and solos, which I haven't). And we have to convince them that we are in no way sketchy, violent, or unreliable section leaders.

Yep. Screwed.

That's about it.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm back. In black. (DISCLAIMER: not in black.)


So what's up, Derps and Derpettes? I have not posted this week because I've been busy doing stuff for a change. I'll give you the short version.
Monday: Concert. I wore a cape, which was really awesome like me, and we all sounded like win.

Tuesday: Express (extracurricular band thing). We played Greased Lightning and marched. We're performing on Saturday, which is kind of scary.

Wednesday: Riding. Jack wanted to kill me again, but didn't because he knows he would be utterly lost without me. ...Okay, yeah, maybe not. He probably didn't think it was worth the trouble. We all stared at the foal for a long time. He ran around, kicked at the dogs, and generally acted foalish. Then I got to lead him to his stall. He bounced the whole way there and pushed me sideways.

Today: Oh look, a post. I didn't do anything today.

I have some anime-related and other pictures for you.
First, here's something I drew in DrawSomething. I was about to just draw Sebastian holding his magical orchestra contained in a violin (do I see you judging me? Stop judging me!), but I got distracted and decided to scribble all over it instead and it turned out... interesting.

Shadow, you would recognize this. If you are not Shadow, you have now seen this picture. Congratulations. You get nothing. Shadow also gets nothing.

Unrelated captions are fun. There's a website for them, in case you were wondering.

Also, I've noticed that I really don't give Fullmetal Alchemist the respect it deserves. Maybe because I'm reading the manga slowly in between other books. I thoroughly enjoy it.

REALLY FREAKING EPIC Al cosplay. Seriously. How does this happen?
Relatedly, if anyone has suggestions for a cool cosplay, tell me. I'm going to DragonCon this year and I want a really cool costume, but I can't think of too many characters who are tolerable, recognizable, and female (I don't like switching characters' genders. It bothers me). And then there are ones like this and an amazing Rem from Deathnote that I saw a while ago that make me lose hope for being that epic.

You are probably getting bored of my rambling, so here's something from a school that should be in the running for Most Awesome.


Being a vegetarian who knows nothing of food, I don't know that I can answer this accurately. I'm choosing Ryan (from my weird story about aliens and magic and a lion with mechanical wings) as my character, and he's served with the weird magical/alien fruit and blue potatoes that he and Xerra enjoy while looking for the legendary weapon of Lakwandawe. If you are confused, I'm sorry. It's a long explanation. Also, I'm sorry for eating you, Ryan. I would truly rather eat Randy.

I promise I'm not a cannibal. Even if meat didn't gross me out.

And, finally, here's some childhood, but with Light and Ryuk.

*snicker* *snicker*
Light is still not likable, though. Killing people is not nice.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Finally, and I know you're probably ready for me to shut up, this is Damien.

He's my standard cartoon person, but I gave him a name and a striped shirt yesterday just for lols. He also appears with his hair dyed neon green in my art project. All he does is smile creepily. It's pretty awesome. You have to pronounce his name like it's French or he'll get mad. Also, his hair moves involuntarily and, were it real, would be really super soft, judging by appearance.

Congratulations on reading this whole post. Assuming it wasn't TL so you DR. You still don't win anything except the joy of reading this post.

I shall return at a later date.
Farewell, mortals.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I made a comic... Thing... I think.

Ciel Phantomhive and Sebastian from Black Butler, if you are unfamiliar with the anime. It's entertaining in both the Hetalia-type "What am I watching?!" way as well as the "ZOMG TEH EPIC :D" way. My comic does not have any type of similarity to the plot, and I have no idea why I drew it.
...Agh. Jonathan Coulton is singing Re: Your Brains and it's distracting me from this post. Now I don't know what I'm talking about.
Did I ever?

Yes. I'm freaking awesome.

I rode Jack, the epic horse of epicness, for two hours today. There was another teacher there because our last show was fail and we need to work more, and he was being all demanding and stuff. At one point, he put riding crops between our elbows and backs so we couldn't put our hands down and we had to look all pretty. My arms are still in pain, but at least Jack did not choose to kill me for making him work so hard. I think he was making an effort to refrain, though. Jack, as I've said before, is an awesome horse, but it's somewhat difficult to ride him because he is also a master troll. All of our rides go something like this:
-Hey Jack.
-Hey Xenon.
-You want to tuck your head in?
-Not particularly.
-You will, though.
-Why should I?
-Because I am your rider and I want you to tuck your head. *pulls reins*
-Hm.... Nope, not good enough.
-Okay then... *pulls reins harder*
-*glare* Human.
-Tuck your head.
And then we do the same thing with everything else, unless Jack is in a nice mood and is not pointlessly contradicting everything I say.
But I still enjoy him because he's cool, in an irritating trollhorse/slightly evil way. And because he does not actually hurt anyone and has the capacity to be really super awesome. And because he acts all immature and adorable and, okay, maybe it would be simpler to say that I enjoy Jack because Jack.

I apologize if you do not care about horses. And I advise you to get a better taste in animals.

And now, here's a very terrified vehicle being transported by an uncaring truck.

And another thing.

I can do this in real life. It is also my response to those who think this blog is utterly pointless and that that is a bad thing.

May you be free from horse-induced elbow wounds.

Friday, April 20, 2012

I did a lot of pointless stuff today.

Hello, stalker! *creepy smile of creepiness*
The only productive thing I did today was presenting my French project. Surprisingly, I did not spontaneously forget the language as I had expected. I also did not spontaneously combust (If you didn't know, I am bad at talking in front of people. I can perform in a play without being nervous at all, but anything else is fail). I pronounce this a success.

My friend came over to work on the flower project earlier. We made animal noises at my pets, to their confusion, and discussed anime and other important matters such as distorting grammar to incredible extent (Anti-Bootle isn't un-not-opposite of yes-non-excited.)
Also, I have probably said before that Duuuuhk is a very dramatic cat. Today, I was petting him and started nyanning for no discernible reason. This is the look he gave me, and please disregard the horrible body. iPads aren't as good as paper for drawing purposes.

That cat. He's just, you know... A cat.

I found some things on the Internet recently.

Ah, Hunger Games. If you haven't read it, read it. The movie is good, but nowhere near the coolness of the book(s). Also, who names their kid Peeta? That's not even a word. I mean, yeah, bread pun, but the other characters have real words in their names. Gah.

I also drew something.

In art, we have to make a drawing with progressive rhythm, which basically means that you have a pattern that changes every time it's repeated. I asked if I could draw a cartoon person with a creepy/deformed smile. I can.

And, finally, I find this to be very cool.

Anyone share this opinion? Lawl, fire.

I am going to ride ponies tomorrow. I enjoy ponies.
Aaaaand nothing interesting to say.
À plus.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I don't even know what this post is about, guys.


Today, I am a metronome. I am also still awesome.
I finished (?) my French project today. It's due tomorrow. It would have been a lot more annoying had I stuck with wine as my subject instead of the Catacombs, because, though I would have no interest in alcohol even if I were old enough to drink it, I am somewhat morbid and always have been. People who are, for some reason, sheltered from French culture: The Catacombs are, essentially, hundreds of miles of old stone quarries under Paris that were filled with bones when the cemeteries started overflowing. Now, the bones are arranged in patterns and people explore them legally and illegally. It is very easy to get lost, and no one actually knows what's down there. You're welcome.

For some reason, I remember one part of my dream last night. In said dream, I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at the clock. It said 'bbbb bbb bbbb b bb bbbbbbb,' and then it rearranged itself to say 12:66:27 or something similar. I put it back without acknowledging the apparent distortion in time, and went back to sleep because several b's apparently meant that it was late. I'm pretty sure the rest involved anime characters from various stories being my best friends, as it usually does.

And here's a shirt that I kind of want. Because souls. I almost said soapils because touch screen keypads are annoying.

Also, The Lion King is epic. Don't deny it.

*singing soundtrack in head*

My dog has figured out life. Basically, you nap, bark at potential threats like pedestrians and cats, stare at humans indefinitely, and show occasional bursts of puppy energy and excitement. Receive food, water, and care in return.

That's about it. And it is 432998724523:29854:4982, which translates to 10:00 if you're normal. Ew.

Fare thee well, dear reader.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Being serious for once.

Note: I'm being serious about not being serious. Don't read this if you demand humor or if you don't like animals, sad people, or disappointment with the human race.
Okay, good.

Most people probably didn't care about my lack of a post yesterday, as I tend to fail at sticking to a schedule. This time, however, I had a reason.
Remember Peel? The kitten I've mentioned here a few times, who was starting to become an inside cat?
He was hit by a car and killed this weekend. He was the fifth cat of mine to die this way.
I know the cats need to stay out of the road, and we do everything we can to make sure they don't try to go anywhere near it, and I know that I live on a busy street, but people need to pay attention, too. Animals often have human and animal families.
Watch for animals in the road. If you hit one, at least stop and do something for it instead of leaving it there. You wouldn't like being run over and left to die, would you?

Sorry if you don't care. I had some post ideas, but I was too busy being sad for my cat and resentful toward the human race and their arrogance to be funny.

I might post something tomorrow, but, you know, school stuff.
Keep your animals away from the road and your tires away from animals.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My brain and Barnes and Noble are trying to keep me from having money.

I finally went to Barnes and Noble today, hoping to get volumes 2 and 3 of D. Gray-Man.

They had everything but what I wanted. So I started a new series. (By the way, I started D. Gray-Man because they didn't have the right volume of Fullmetal Alchemist. They still don't have it.) It's called Black Butler, maybe you've heard of it, it's about a butler named Sebastian who is also a devil. This strengthens my belief that, were anime real, the world would be entirely overpopulated by demons and other supernatural beings. But mostly demons.
So now I'm reading two new manga, both of which cost money and neither of which will help me save for New York.

But it's manga, so we're cool.
Kind of.

That is all I have to say, and I need to identify flowers now because science.
Hakuna matata. The computer thinks that needs to be in all caps and seems to be confused as to whether I'm speaking English or French.

Okay, seriously, bye.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

The feline units currently inhabiting my residence.

I believe I've mentioned my being a crazy cat person before. If not, now I have.

At the moment, there are two cats who will come inside the house out of the several living nearby. Their names are Peel (short for Doctor Banana Peel, which must be said in a British accent) and Duuuuuuuhk (said in a stupid voice, but usually people get lazy and just call him Duck). Duuuuuuuhk has been an inside cat for a while, since he broke his leg and tail and needed to stay inside and recover. He somewhat likes living with the humans.
Peel has been coming inside regularly ever since he found the food and discovered how awesome couches are. Every time he's inside, he sits next to whichever human is available, rolls over, flails adorably, and enjoys the attention.

Duuuuuhk, who is usually overly affectionate, gets depressed and antisocial when Peel is inside. It's sad, in an adorable way. Peel will be sitting with people being happy, and Duuuuuuhk walks up, starts to jump onto the couch and then leaves with a deeply disgusted look.

He doesn't mind Peel outside, but he has decided that inside is his and that no other cat is allowed there.

Meanwhile, my dog is indifferent to both and just enjoys staring at people, taking naps, and occasionally displaying random puppy energy.

Now that you've heard about my dramatic animals, I have run out of things to say again.
Hasta la pasta!

Yep, I'm back to not saying much.


I've found some things on the Internet lately that I would like to share with you.

Pikachu/Romano(South Italy from Hetalia, gah, know your anime)

Aw, look, he's so cute.
And could potentially cause serious damage to my face if he heard me say that. Hahah.

*slowly backing away*

Meanwhile, in Japan, some kids are learning to count.

Look, all 20 fingers!
Relatedly, I still remember how to count to 10 in Japanese from when my fourth grade class learned it. I know nothing else in Japanese apart from some basic words and "I ate a lamp."

And, while the children's parents take them to the hospital and/or news station, a bird is questioning the deeper aspects of life.

In a book.

And Captain Shang is getting down to business.

While some distressed citizen (possibly one of the mutant-hand children?) calls the hospital while the ambulance is busy and has to settle for its somewhat less trustworthy and literate third cousin.

(If you go to Hyperbole and a Half, this might make more sense and you may even pity the ambalans for his spach ampadamant.)



Of course, I'll have to go through the trouble of making sure you don't actually figure out where I live and you know what, fine, keep your shirt-sending money. *sigh*

I rode three horses today. It was interesting and we used minimal reins.
Good riddance.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The weekend! Rest! Sort of.

I love Fridays. And days without classes. And today was both.

Basically, the school decided that not only should we have the Monday after spring break off, we should also have that Friday be 'Spring Fling' (read: Pointless Vaguely Easter-Related Activity Day). We played capture the flag for a while, watched a magician do stuff involving cards and bananas while we ate snacks, played Ultimate Frisbee, and did a bunch of team exercises including:
Standing in a circle, holding hands with two random people, and attempting to untangle.

Putting on blindfolds and attempting to make shapes with a circle of rope.

Standing in a circle and figuring out how to remain in a position with only our hands touching the ground for seven seconds.

Standing on a tarp and flipping it over without stepping off.

In other words, it was interesting. I'm not good at group work.
My dog just tried to stand up while shaking her head and fell back down. Don't worry, she was on her bed and just derped instead of hurting herself.

On another subject, I believe that if I were a small child (more so than I am now), I would be mortally terrified of my original room/construction site/piano room. Every time I go in there, there are several dead or dying insects and I can hear something moving in the attic sometimes. It likes the song "Still Alive." I can tell because it starts making noise when I play it, but it doesn't react much to the various anime themes and Jonathan Coulton songs I know. Did I mention that I am beast at piano?
Lawl, not really. But I do know several nerdy songs.
My cat was in the room earlier today and kept appearing randomly while exploring the attic. At one point, he was directly over my head on some beams, but he moved instead of falling down and causing a disaster. He gets recognition for that.

I'm most likely going to Barnes and Noble tomorrow. Yeah, I know, saving money and stuff. But I want manga and the Internet is not offering it conveniently, as I've said before. Plus, I'm not good at willpower where cool reading material is involved. Don't judge me.

And that's it for my coherent thoughts today.
I wish you the merriest of merry merriment.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Anime. Y U no less addicting?

*insert y u no face here* *too lazy to find picture*

As I said in my last post, I'm attempting to follow D.Gray-Man at minimal cost to myself. This is not going well.

At all.

Firstly, manga is expensive and I don't have much money. Secondly, my computer does not like manga/anime websites and will not let me use them. To solve this problem, I tried to find it on YouTube, but only got the first episode with a terrible dub that is very wrong and makes me irrationally sad. Plus a bunch of spoiler videos, so now some of the story is ruined because I'm impulsive at times and kept watching them.

Back to buying the manga as soon as I have money and time for a Barnes and Noble trip, I guess. And hoping that they have it in stock, because B&N is bad at restocking manga. -.-

On a different note:

That last cat. I think I died of adorable.

That's about it. Today is my Friday. WHAT.

Roaches need to die.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Greetings and salutations, fair readers!
So, since I'm going to New York this summer *epicface* and want to buy things there, I'm attempting to save my money. For this reason, I was kind of relieved to finish all of the Deathnote books.

But, as of yesterday's Barnes and Noble trip, I have a new manga to follow. It is called D. Gray-Man and it is awesome so far (so far being to the extent of volume 1).

If you've never heard of it, D. Gray-Man is about this kid named Allen Walker with a weapon... thing... contained in his hand, which he uses to destroy akuma (aka demon body-dissolving firearm/soul combos).
Point one: COOLNESS.
Point two: Awesome, another demon thing.
Point three: Can I find the anime and do I have time? If not, can I stand to save money for this and New York?
Point four: Do I care?
Irrelevant point five: WHO YA GONNA CALL?! GHOSTBUSTERS!!

I wish I was richer.

There are two cats in my house.

I have nothing else to say.

Fare thee well!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Deathnote IRL

So you know how I'm a loser otaku with little to no life?
Well, look at this!

To answer any questions that those who care may have: I made them today, Moleskine notebooks, White-Out, you can't have them, they took about ten minutes including about three minutes needed to buy the notebooks, I know they're not perfect and you try writing with a White-Out pen, I'm not a Shinigami, I am also not Kira, I'm pretty sure they don't work, I'd be happy to try them out of you attempt to take them, I do not own Deathnote nor do I pretend to and I actually spent money on these after buying all of the manga, so don't kill me with copyright stuff. You're welcome. Any questions not answered here go in the comments. Good reader. *headpat*

The mare at my barn had a foal. His name is Blake and he's cute and I really want to go to the barn and meet him now, but I can't until later this week.

And now that I'm done talking, here's a thing:

Happy nightmares and laughter-induced injuries!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Horse-Related Injuries, Chocolate, and a Mutant Dandelion.

Hi! I haven't had any time to talk about how little I have to say for a while!
I went to a horse show this week, where Jack escaped from his halter and almost ran away for a few minutes, stepped on my foot, bit my arm, ran away from the rail, went entirely insane, pulled out his braids twice while everyone was rushing to get ready for the show, and remained my favorite horse. I also met some Friesians and played Mad Libs with friends.

As it is Easter, Facebook is full of religious and zombie Jesus-related statuses/stati. This morning, I honestly did not expect candy at all because there had been little to no opportunity for chocolate to happen. I was lying in bed telling myself not to get excited because there would be no chocolate at all. But I got a basket full of candy and money because my life is awesome and one never outgrows fantasy characters breaking into one's house and giving one candy and other gifts.
Granted, I got Portal 2 last year and HOLY CRAP THAT GAME IS A YEAR OLD and I forgot where I was going with that sentence.

Okay, so I have a science project that involves collecting wildflowers and putting them in a book, and I was working on it today though I would have preferred the Internet. I got somewhere around ten flowers in eight families, plus a dandelion that looked like this:

In case you are a sheltered individual who goes outside alarmingly infrequently, dandelions aren't supposed to look like that. Some of the flowers are fused together in clumps of around five, and there are other flowers that appear to be attached at random to the stem, which looks like a giant leaf tube. There are also things that look like spines around the flowers. If I knew anything about plants, I could offer a better description, but I don't.

So that's my daily weirdness.

Nothing else to say.
Squadallah! We are off!