Sunday, May 27, 2012

Knbbbnv,nc. Or in English, summer and stuff!

I've already done a crap ton of cool stuff since school got out on Friday.

Swim party on Friday was fun. We talked about normal topics such as what would happen if I suddenly exploded and the amazing character development of that one spear in Lord of the Flies, ate ice cream out of a gutter (I'm not even kidding), and played categories, but with this thing where nobody would admit to being tagged. Except me, because I wasn't tagged and therefore had nothing to admit.

After the party, my friend came over, and we talked about Portal and grilled baby feet (CakeWrecks, read it. I'm not as creepy as you might think.)

(depending on how creepy you think I am).

Then we went to riding on Saturday, where I spent a long time walking in circles trying to catch Luke, who has this habit of walking up with his ears pricked like he'll let you catch him and then running away if you try. My friend finally caught him, and he spent the lesson trying to go fast.
We went to the farm after riding. Among our adventures there were:
Going out in the golf cart, breaking the gear shift, and coming back in reverse.
Riding the Death Pals (tubes behind the boat) and, in my case, falling off multiple times.
Finding a lost dog named Sundae who had somehow managed to break a metal cable that had apparently been used to tie her up.
Walking across the lake and sinking into the mud.
Having a frisbee golf tournament, where my frisbee kept going sideways because apparently hurling it as hard as I could was not enough to make it go straight.
Drawing "Ash Ketchum" and a set of Shinigami from three different anime wearing Ash's hat because I was being stubborn and refusing to draw Ash himself.

As you can see (assuming the picture is not worse than it looks to me), Rem and Undertaker are straight up Gs. Yo.
And relating to this, while looking at anime pictures for amusement and blog content, I found this:

This relevance. All this relevance.

Also on the subject of anime pictures, I pretty much died when I saw this:

L! Chibitalia! IN THE SAME PICTURE! If they added in Hiei, this would be on the truly dangerous side of awesome/cute. I'm not mentally adding any more characters, because more than that could kill you without even existing. And that would be a mess.

Anyway, on the subject of things I did, there was a graduation party today that mainly consisted of people playing various games in the pool while I derped around and swam underwater a lot. There was also frisbee throwing, at which I suck but did anyway.

Okay, on a completely different subject, I am going to New York day after tomorrow. Holy frigglesticks. I just made up that word. Do you like it? Of course you like it.
This will be an adventure, but I'll have to put off blog posts about it until afterwards because my parental units have advised me against bringing my iPad.

Again on an irrelevant subject, Smoke the cat has been in my house all day because he keeps disappearing in the clutter under the table. Duuuuuuhk found him at one point, but he left again and I've lost track.

Finally, I found where I want to live:

So much cool. Provided you don't fall off the cliffs.
Yep, I'll be finding that place or somewhere like it and constructing my epic castle-esque home there as soon as I'm rich.

Okay, I need to not stay up late because I have to do things again tomorrow. I am so lazy. I'm not used to this whole 'doing stuff' thing.

Hugs and gangsta Shinigami to all my readers.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Oh hey, swimming weather!

So, as it's summer now (ok, technically it's still spring, but no one told the south that) and school is ending, it is now time for people to start swimming. And, as a response to this, there is apparently a pool party tomorrow for the people in my grade. I'm going, as I see no reason not to swim and should probably do something to avoid becoming obese in the future. You know, besides the L diet of eating a crap ton of cake and then thinking it all off.

As most of you people know, the phrase "pool party" for most girls my age means this:

However, for an introverted and slightly bizarre individual such as myself, this is more accurate:

It's not that I'm not ridiculously attractive, I just have my own weird set of brain that does not seem to enjoy my doing anything that could be seen as trying to get attention.
Which, of course, explains my blog and million social media accounts (most of which I made out of curiosity and then never looked at again). But that's on the Internet, not in real life.

I'm getting off topic.
Anyway, it actually benefits me that the other people are hogging all the attention because no one notices me swimming in awkward circles and/or sitting on the bottom just to be sitting on the bottom.

Also, because of exams, here's a comic I found.

You see, kids, cheating just leads to eventual deep confusion. This is why you brains.

On an irrelevant subject, I was thinking today about how strange it is that my pets tolerate me. I don't think I would appreciate someone going up to me and saying, "Hey, I'm your owner now, you'll live in my house and I'll provide you with the basics of life, I'll pet you whenever the thought enters my mind, all you have to do is not ruin things or hurt people. One catch, though-I am going to be extremely obnoxious and might spontaneously scare the crap out of you for no reason and then expect you to continue being nice to me. There is no alternative to this. You will accept my random behavior and you will like it. YAY PET!"
My cat is especially a victim of this, as my dog stays outside, naps, and chases sticks most of the time. Also, having lived with me since I was four, she's pretty much used to it. Duuuuuhk, however, is not. I'll be sitting next to him and then I'll turn around and go D-D-D-DROP THE BASS. WUB WUB WABABABBABBABABABAHDJDCBASKSAMBXnxbxckjhsckjzxhesifjFSJSDJ'sd&7;)(;|€>~?€>%JhjhguhgFJFDJH and he gives me this horrified cat face and runs away. But then he remembers that it's me and comes back and hopes I won't do that anymore.

I think pets deserve respect for dealing with their humans.

It's kind of late and I have to do math tomorrow.
Peace, home-chickens.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Jack and his faulty brakes...

Today was the reading/review day for my exams, which means that you can go and ask questions or you can stay home and study/do whatever. Having no questions to ask, I derped on the internet, played music, ate Japanese food (thank you, Japan, for your awesomeness and your wasabi), and rode my trusty steed, Jack.
In case you don't know Jack and are too lazy to go back and find the post that explains him, he is a short black horse with a strong liking for peppermints, anarchy, and going fast. After three years with him, I've mostly fixed the anarchy and speed while strengthening the mint addiction.
Today, he was kind of hyper and would honestly rather have stayed in the stall, going in circles and eating, but after a struggle to keep him away from the food bucket long enough to get his bridle on, he allowed himself to be taken to the ring.
We spent the entire lesson working on going slowly and not passing each other.
This kind of fell apart when we all started cantering, and my teacher rode someone else's horse because he was being really stubborn. Of course, when she got on, he immediately slowed down to almost a walk. And she told me to stay behind her at a trot.

I'm sure Jack was plotting my slow and painful death the whole time. Which is fine, because he never carries out those plans and it took his mind off of pointlessly resisting my every move.

After the lesson, I was given Jack and another horse and told to take them to the barn. Instead of cooperating, they both went in opposite directions and started grazing.

After using something close to inhuman strength to pull their heads up and towards me, I powerwalked in a circle and took them to the barn. If you don't know what this is like, imagine pulling two toddlers around, but said toddlers weigh about half a ton each with most of that being muscle. It went fairly well until Jack started trotting and the other horse stopped to graze, so I had to do this fancy arm motion to get them to stop that. Luckily, another girl was leading her horse in front of me and left the pasture gate open so that I could get in without having to stop. I have no idea how this was managed with no injuries or escaped horses, but it was. I guess I'm just awesome that way.

"But Xenon," you say, "If Jack is so difficult, why don't you switch horses?"
It would be like nearly mastering a game on the hardest setting and then switching to easy, but you're friends with the hard setting because it's alive and has a personality. Accept my analogy, dangit.
Also, Jack is an extremely good horse once you figure out what to do with him. He's pretty adorable, too-he tilts his head sideways and arches his neck when I come in his stall, and he guesses which hand his mints are in every time I bring them. The last thing, because I don't want this to go on forever, is that he never actually hurts anyone (at least not on purpose, and not often by accident). For this reason, I can occasionally let him decide what to do instead of telling him. Not often, since that would make him more headstrong, but every once in a while.

This horse pretty much reminds me of myself, but horsier.

Anyway, I know a lot of you people could care less about horses and are even more indifferent to what I think about mine. So here are some pictures.

If you don't get it, just keep looking for a while.

This caused a Luna Lovegood-esque uncontrollable laugh. (Remember the part in book 5 when Ron imitates Goyle and Luna's all "HAHAHAHALOLOLOLOLROFLMAO BABOON'S BACKSIDE THAT IS SO FUNNY LOLOLOLOLOL" and everyone thinks something's wrong with her? Yeah, that.)
But seriously, an explanation of this would be great.

That's all. I need to study.
Emo haircuts are for giraffesKBYE.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Baby Sebastian the cat.

This morning, I was taking my dog, Bootle, to the backyard (the yard is inconvenient enough to require someone to make sure she doesn't go somewhere random). She usually just walks around and does normal dog stuff, but today, she saw some cats and chased them. Bootle is not a vicious cat murderer, but she does enjoy chasing them at a safe distance.
One of the cats was Hermione, our current nicest alley cat and mother of several, but the other was a fuzzy black and white kitten. The kitten promptly sprinted to the fence, climbed up, and watched Bootle bark at him.

So I got Bootle to leave and stop scaring him, and she walked off and started sniffing things while I greeted the cat.
'Greeting' being a loose term.

I finally decided to stop potentially causing trauma to the kitten and/or risking claw wounds, so I left him alone.

After thinking for a while about what to name this kitten, I decided on Sebastian. I was thinking about Black Butler, but you can think of him as the crab from The Little Mermaid if you want. But not as anyone else.

Anyway, after that I went to school to take a final, which was easy assuming my brain was not trolling me as it sometimes does. It was the only one I was really worried about, I spent most of the time before it frantically reading my notes and pacing (I'm ridiculously laid back until I'm not), and it did not help that someone who took it before me was freaking out about how hard it was.
I didn't even need the stuff I was freaking out about forgetting.

So now I'm home and I have more exams tomorrow, but it's cool because I am awesome. I'll be changing my mind about that tomorrow when I have to take the test, but that doesn't make it less true.

That's all. I have a post planned for sometime that has slightly less pointless content, but that will only happen if it's actually funny.

Careful, there's a flamingo stealing your hair.

Until we meet again.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Nevermind. Calm down, guys. Bunnies were just bunnies.

*pat pat*


Sorry, my train of thought derailed and I couldn't think of anything to write. Let's try again.
I spent most of the day yesterday at the barn. I rode Jack first. He was being derp and wanted to go fast, but that's normal and he was nice anyway. If you didn't know, it took him about 3 years to a) decide that I was not going to eat him, b) stop feeling the need to test my abilities every three seconds by going in random circles, and c) find the brakes. I think he still finds me incompetent, if only because I frequently spend entire lessons singing and/or keeping up a monologue.
After Jack was done, I went to get Luke. Luke is the single hardest horse to catch out of all the hordes I've known. I walked into the pasture with five mints, a halter, and a leadrope, and spent forever calling him and acting all nice. At one point, I got him to walk up to me by holding up mints and clicking at him, and he ate a mint, stood for a while, and ran away. My friend and my riding teacher finally came out in a golf cart, where we chased him to the front of the pasture, cornered him, and stood with our arms stretched out to keep him from leaving while my teacher wrapped the rope around his neck and put the halter on. Then I brought him in and tacked him while he neighed loudly enough to cause pain every few minutes. He didn't do much during the lesson, but the saddle was different and felt wrong even though I got people to check it repeatedly.
Then we ate lunch, listened to someone talk about a riding team, untangled Luke's ridiculous tail, and looked at the foal.

Those of you who could care less about horses can start reading now.

So you know how I always say that Russia is my favorite Hetalia country, but I always post pictures of other countries if the subject comes up?

I'll fix that.

There. Happy nightmares, Hetalia watchers. Kolkolkolkol.

There were several loud thumps outside my house just now. Not even going to ask.

I would make this post longer, but I have stuff to do and I'm not being creative today. Or at all lately. I'll come back when I can be funny.

Cats are puffy.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Xenon moves up a grade, finds some cool music, and does nothing productive.

Today was my school's honors day, which means that we went to some classes, piled into the auditorium, and mostly listened to the teachers talk about how great the other students are. A lot of the people who were recognized were my friends because I have no unintelligent friends. I was called up for the French exam (as I've said before, I like languages) and stood up for honor students because I AM A GENIUS.
I left with a medal, a bag, a water bottle, a trophy, a certificate, and a sincere hatred of my dress and shoes. Other than that last part, I think that's pretty good for someone with my horrifyingly bad work ethic.
The depressing thing is that we still have a week of finals to go before we're done. Someone please get me out. I don't deserve this.

Anyway, after I got home, I went and played the piano in my mostly empty room like the loner completely awesome individual I am, watched some anime, and derped on the Internet for a while. While on the Internet, I saw something about Daft Punk and decided to see what they were.
Side note-No, I hadn't heard them before. I was too busy with other awesome endeavors. No more obvious observations.
Anyway. I listened to a few of their songs, and this was my reaction:

In case the picture doesn't get my point across, that is my creepy/epic smile, which is reserved for the truly cool. I love finding stuff that justifies the making of this face.

Unrelatedly, here's a picture I found. Spain is being Spain while Romano acts all Romano.

Those who are confused should watch Hetalia. Such an awesome/confusing anime.

I had a dream last night that I was at the band room, but there was a zombie there and Sebastian from Black Butler (anime characters show up in my dreams a lot and act all casual about it) was apparently missing until he showed up and told everyone about a giant bee in a building/greenhouse. Then the zombie started chasing me and I ran up the stairs and there was a giant plant sitting there. This dream might have been less confusing had I not had to wake up then.

I am bored of writing things.

I will write again, my dearest.
No, not you.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Switching horses?

(Adding one on, fine.)
Yesterday, I went out to the barn as usual. While normally I just go out, get Jack, and ride, my teacher asked which horse I would choose other than Jack. As I rarely consider this and have not ridden many horses except Jack and the beginner ones, I ended up wandering in circles aimlessly trying to think of one.

My teacher ended up picking for me, and I rode a fast bay horse named Luke. Luke is nice and is not extremely hard to control (surprising, considering his reputation as unmanageable). He also has a weird gait because one of his front hooves has a big heel and the other doesn't. My friend ended up on the wrong horse by accident, which was kind of my fault, but there were two horses in the pasture with the same markings and I don't know either very well and neither did my friend. The horse she was on freaked out and started running around and almost falling over because he apparently has arthritis and is never ridden.
So yeah, that was a fun lesson.

After riding, my teacher said that she wanted me to ride Luke more, which I am okay with as long as it doesn't mean not riding Jack, which it doesn't. To make sure Jack didn't hate me, since horses are totally likely to hate humans for that small a reason, I had to take a mint over to his barn. Jack is melodramatic, but he likes mints and tolerates me for some reason. Probably because I give him mints.

And then I had to leave because there was a thing at school to make sure it's not a terrible idea to let me do sports. It wasn't.

So I got an Instagram. Don't judge me, I don't like photography and am not planning to seek attention. And I don't know why I have one because that's pretty much the point of Instagram.
Anyway. About 90% of the time I've spent on it so far was spent looking at Hetalia chibi because SO MUCH ADORABLE. My only complaint is that there is not enough Russia.

And speaking of Russia, we had a French project that involved picking a country and describing your fictional trip there. I went to St. Petersburg, which is a pretty cool place. There's a restaurant called Travel Bag for a Pregnant Spy, which is a fairly interesting name, and there is apparently a ton of cool stuff there. But my fictional trip only lasted three days if you take out the time spent flying.

Also, on the subject of flying (wow, my train of thought has a discernible path today), I am going to New York after school gets out. We're seeing four Broadway shows and doing a ton of other cool stuff. We are also flying on a plane, which I haven't done since I was somewhere around six, and all I remember from that is sitting for a long time waiting on a flight, getting a Dr. Seuss book, and looking out the plane window at a road. So this should be interesting.

Oh, while I'm thinking about interesting, I should say that cake is good and I like it.

My friend and I decided today while talking about our upcoming English final that Jack (Lord of the Flies character, not the best horse ever) is actually a girl, which explains a lot. I am also planning on putting something about Lady Macbeth with five heads and one eye and Lord of the Rings but with flies on the final. You know, just to make things interesting and maybe get cake for my awesomeness afterwards. (See, I was paying attention to my train of thought.)

That's all for today, friend. Or whoever you are.
Capes are awesome.

WARNING: Most Pleasant Post Ever.

Just to let you know before you read this, there is nothing but nice stuff and happy butterflies in this post. People who don't like scary things should read it. You have been warned.

Good eeeeeevening. I see you've found my lair. (My lair is on the Internet, don't hate).

*huge grin*

Nice, isn't it? Have you met my friend, Blank?

He's smiling at you, you just can't see.

And here's his little sister, Pie. Isn't she cute?


And, of course, here's another friend of mine, Dr-

...Oh. Shame.
I guess he was kind if asking for it.

Well, I guess I can't keep you much longer. It's getting late, isn't it?

That was fun.
Good night~

I apologize for any trauma in easily scared individuals or disappointment in those who wanted more creepiness.

I'll be back later at some point.
Auf wiedersehen.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Harry Potter and Allen Walker are the same person.

I was trying to work on a paper in class today, but I couldn't type it and therefore was not getting very far. When this happens, I usually end up derailing and doing random crap instead of work. Today's selection of random crap was a comparison of Allen Walker from D.Gray-Man and Harry Potter from SOOPER DOOPER FUNTIME UNDERWEAR NINJA UNICORN. I mean from Harry Potter.

Here's what I came up with (I'm not too far into D.Gray-Man, so please forgive stuff I left out).

Curse scar
Special weapon only useful to them
Spherical winged being
Go from the normal world to a place full of similar people
Take about five seconds to hate someone else there
Fight evil
Really weird-looking enemy
Black robe

I'm pretty sure there was more.

See, this is what I do with my time. I'll stop when I see any negative repercussions.

In other news, not much is going on. School is almost over, which would be nice if there weren't exams to worry about. I disagree with the school ruining the last few days of school by dumping projects and exams on us. Not cool, bro. For srsness.

Well. That was a pointless post.
*creepy smile of ultimate creepy*

Sunday, May 13, 2012

...Okay, wow.

I was just looking at my blog's stats for the first time in a while, and I saw this:

10 countries in a week, you guys. I usually just get a couple from America and/or Russia and the occasional Germany. Why am I suddenly internationally known?

Huh. Hi, foreign people! I've never been to any of your countries! Sorry about that!

...Though my hired stick connoisseurs have been everywhere on Earth looking for the greatest stick in the world, which was found in Antarctica but broke because the one who could wield its power rejected it. I have a weird life. Don't judge.

Alright, you guys. I'll stop wasting your time.
I was going to say goodbye in all the languages spoken by the people who have seen this blog lately, but I don't know all of them and I'm too lazy to look it up (say what you will about American stereotypes). Considering that this blog is written in English, I'll assume you all understand it and just say bye.

Until a later date, friends.

Manga, woop woop.



Did you guess that I'm getting a pet alpaca within the next few days as an early birthday present?

Lol, you're wrong. The answer is not that exciting.
I finally got volume 2 of D.Gray-Man today!

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I got volume 1 a while ago, but they only had 3-20 at Barnes and Noble when I came back for the next one. So I started Black Butler and am now watching that anime, but could only locate the horribly dubbed episode 1 of D.Gray-Man. Thus, I could not finish the story, which has been bothering me the whole time.

So now I have it and I can know a little bit more of the story!
Volume 3 wasn't there, though...

Also, Duuuuhk was being dramatic today. My dad pushed him off of a chair because there was food and he was all

And then he dragged himself away and limped pitifully down the hall. We followed him to see if he was okay, and he walked away with no sign of a limp approximately 30 seconds later. But he was still mad.

I can't think of a clever transition, but here are some amusing pictures.


"Life is a rectangular oval. Eat it slowly."

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Equine units. Also, you should be jealous of my family.

So lately I've been doing stuff, which used to not happen too much. You might have noticed how there's a string of posts where I'm all LAWL I NOT DO THING and then a string of WHOA I DO THING NOW that is still continuing.
This morning, I went to riding as usual. Because very few people showed up for lessons, my friend, one of our lesson teachers and I went on a trail ride. Jack was surprisingly nice and very calm, though he spooked at some deer and plowed through every bush or limb we saw. But hey, it's cool as long as he's not running around randomly like he used to do. And I stayed on, so that's good too. After that, we washed horses, cleaned stalls, and talked to the foal until it was time to leave.

Directly after riding, I went to the farm (cool place with a lake and a lot of space where my cousins and I go for funtime). We rode the golf cart around for a ridiculous amount of time, then came back, messed with iPads, ate, went really high on the swings, and named frogs after Deathnote characters. After dinner, we went to Frog Island, which is a piece of land that appears if the water is down and has lately developed a lot of grass. While talking about anime, my cousin and I started walking in circles. Then my other cousin joined in and we ended up creating a giant circular ditch which was then given a face and named Kevin. We decided to make a bonfire, but my cousin claimed to have seen a person walking around so we were really paranoid the whole time. Which, of course, did not stop us from telling grammatically incorrect stories that usually ended in THEN WHO WAS PHONE?! whether it was relevant or not.
Below is my story:

*cue insane screaming*
Scary, yes? I know, I know, I'm great at this stuff. Oh, please stop screaming. There's no real bread here. Calm down.


Okay, I won't tell you any more scary stories. Not even the one about the ded gai.

Anyway, now we're all inside and I have my homemade deathnotes because I am ridiculously proud of those things. I also have my sword, which I still do not regret purchasing even after almost three years. Oh, and there's candy. I like candy.

Okay, I'm tired and too lazy to write or post pictures. Good day, human.

Friday, May 11, 2012


This is the last time I'll ever see you/and this is normal/but there's my alphabet/so never contact me again. Definitely.

If you do not understand that little song parody I did, DO NOT look up Call Me Maybe because it is pointless and will infect your brain. Also, the parody may or may not be terrible depending on the current weather in Scotland.
I lied, Scotland's weather has nothing to do with it.

(but Russia's does)

I know you're all curious as to what I've been doing for the past however long. I didn't post yesterday (funeral for my great-grandmother, she was 97, no sappy stuff here because I don't like that and it's not necessary for someone with as good a life as she had) but I'm back to normal posts now. Normal, however, is by my standards, which means that sometimes I'll go for weeks without posting and sometimes I'll post five times in one day. Deal with it. Do it for the lulz.

There are some things happening at school. We've been doing dissections in Biology, which is possibly the most disgusting thing I've done in my entire life. It's very interesting, but at the same time I kept reminding myself that I was cutting up these guys:

I drew the cartoons today after dissecting a pig fetus. Shadow and my non-blogging friends were sitting next to me screaming at me to quit making them look cute.

And speaking of pigs: My English class is reading Lord of the Flies, which is well-written and a nice story if you like books where the best characters die and kids act like tribal warlords. In addition to reading this lovely book, we've split the class into tribes who compete for pigs (won through projects and good grades, and are lost through misbehavior). My tribe is called Wiki Tiki Wom Bom (not my idea) and has a flag that was changed slightly from some Alaskan people (also not my idea, but I drew the fish as well as anything else that needed drawing because I am apparently the tribe's official artist).
We are losing.
It's not a close race. The other two tribes have around 14 pigs, and we have 5. ...*sigh* I wouldn't even care if the prize were not a feast for the winners with food brought by the losers. I know I'm supposed to be nice, but I'm thinking coconut and mayonnaise would be a good choice just so I don't have to watch other people eat stuff I like.

We had a French class a while ago that involved a group assignment to make a dialogue, draw a planet, and design the characters. My group consisted of my mortal enemy and my friends that I've known since I was a small human. All of us being crazy, we made the planet a triangle called Butter and its inhabitant Lady Macbeth with five heads. Her heads are named Peanut Butter, Tape, Dave, Lady Macbeth, and I seem to have forgotten the other one. Lady Macbeth head has one eye, and none of the other heads have eyes. She has a ridiculous number of elbows and is wearing a tutu paired with a shirt that says PEANUT. The other character, drawn by my friend, looks like baby Voldemort, but prancing and with really long fingernails. I don't even know what the dialogue says because I was cracking up too much at Lady Macbeth and Voldemort-Prince on Butter.
Needless to say, our teacher was confused.

Okay, so you know how sometimes you're looking at stuff and you see something that causes you to spontaneously lawl for about ten minutes and then you look back and you're like, 'Wow, that's not even funny?'

This is one of those things:

And so is this:

I'm not sure if you would have the same reaction, or even if normal people do that, but that's beside the point.

Also, I found this amusing.

Being a vegetarian is nice because I don't have to worry about people slipping human into my food. Plants, however, are another story entirely.

Last thing, I promise: I found some weird cartoon-related things today.

I loved both of these shows when I was little and my friends watched them. They never came on my TV.

I watched this episode. It kind of blew my mind.
Oh Simpsons, how I love you.

I have once again exhausted today's interestingness.