Thursday, March 22, 2012


Good morning/afternoon/evening/very late, fair reader! Have you ever wanted to have your very own antisocial companion?

Then look no further than the Portable Xenon "Friend!"

Only 999 billion dollars!*

*prices set based on Xenon's awesomeness, lack of money, and unwillingness to be bought.

Plus, your Xenon will arrive in a portable folded position!

If you use a sharp implement to unpack your Xenon for some reason, you are urged not to cut your Xenon and to give the sharp implement to her.


Commercial time is over. I have no idea what that was, and please don't buy me. I kind of like it here.

Today, Jack made a friend. I was riding today and one of the other horses in the ring, Luke, was basically galloping around and refusing to slow down for any reason. After the lesson, we all got to walk around in the pasture, and Jack stayed at the exact same speed as Luke the whole time. These horses are like brothers. I'm serious. They share stubbornness, poor estimate of stamina (aka wearing themselves out), and several other weird quirks. So that's cool.

My friend and I spent study hall drawing Kenny Loggins and a guy walking into a wall as well as watching a video called Eat Randy, which is very strange and very funny in its strangeness.
That's about all.
I want this.

À plus!

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