Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Celebrated Sucking at Tetris Award

I got a Tetris-esque app recently, hoping it would be a fun waste of time like most other games. I was right, but it's fun in an entirely different way as I usually end up laughing at myself for being so horrible at it. Most of my games so far have looked like this:

And I'm all:

I'm pretty sure that this is not average noobdom, as I have played it a lot and still end up stacking up pieces at random after it becomes clear that I'm not going to succeed. Therefore, I am giving myself a Sucks at Tetris award. Any clever names you have should go in the comments, althought I really don't have enough readers to interact with you people.

In other news, faces are squishy and I have a dog.

And now for the daily random picture thing.

Okay, sorry, I'll act sane(ish) now.

...Nevermind. Oh, L. ^.^

That's all.

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