Friday, March 2, 2012

The Sims brings out my strangeness.

If you don't want to read about Deathnote characters inside my computer, you don't have to. That's basically what this post is.

Today, because I finally had some amount of free time unlike the rest of this week, I made a Sims game with L, Mello, Matt, and Near. It legitimately took 3 hours to make the characters right and then build a house for them (money cheats FTW), and they still hadn't started their lives. Then I started the actual game. Here's what the characters did, and I'm telling you this only because of how awesomely canon it is (disregarding that they are all living together and are alive):
L: playing chess with Near (and winning) and finding stars/comets. He found a star that he named CAKE IS SUPER AWESOME and a comet named Justice. He was also blocked from his bed because there was a stuffed bear in the way.
Mello: Playing guitar (his theme includes a lot of it and he looks like a rockstar, so it fits) and watching TV with Matt.
Matt: Playing video games and watching TV. He also looked at the telescope but didn't like being outside for long.
Near: Playing chess with L and going to school, where he already has a job opportunity.

I love games.
Light was excluded because a) he isn't a Wammy's kid and b) I dislike him.

Also, this reminds me of previous interesting Sims games. I have one with Russia and Belarus being Russia and Belarus, one with a fat green-skinned guy named Evil Minion, one with a guy that I led into a room and watched freak out from TV withdrawal when I deleted the door, and several less entertaining ones. LOL. Virtual people.

That's pretty much it. I like cats.

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. I hope that's spelled right.

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