Saturday, March 31, 2012

Barn day. With the usual insanity.

Today, being Saturday, was the day I always spend at the barn riding ponies. There was a storm today, so we prepared for the upcoming show instead of riding in the rain. Our first task was washing horses. This was quite fun and involved a large amount of bubbles, but the horses were panicking slightly as they had apparently forgotten what baths were. My noble steed, Jack, kept trying to bite everyone, my friend's British horse* pawed the ground a lot, and everyone generally caused chaos.
*not actually British, but acts like he is.

One of the horses we washed was a chestnut named Junior who was not extremely opposed to bathing, but was very offended when I called him a Chia pet.

My foot still hurts. I'm glad I was wearing boots because, in case you don't have much experience with horses, they are heavy and do not have much sympathy for humans' feet if said feet are occupying a region where they think a hoof should be.

After the horses were done being washed, we all (me, a fellow rider, my friend, and her sister) sat around while one of the freshly washed horses grazed and the dogs acted weird as dogs do. There was a temporary lost pitbull staying in the barn until someone decided to adopt him, and we spent a large amount of time in the stall with him because he looked sad. There was a debate over naming him George or Herbert, so he is now called G'Herbert (G-comma to the top-Herbert, pronounced Jiherbert).
So yeah. Interesting day.

And now, to make up for that truly horrible horse art (I was lazy), here are some Deathnote-related pictures that I drew when I was bored. The pictures of the pictures are terrible because iPads are awkward to hold and scanning, putting on a flash drive, and emailing to myself was too much trouble. Sorry. Tell me if the writing is illegible so I can type it out for you.

I love this song. Why do I love this song? I don't know why I love this song. Drawing this made me hate Light less until the end.

*edit 2 seconds later* Okay, yeah, completely impossible to read. In panel order:
1) *music from Light's room* Girl look at that body~ I-I-I work out~
2) *music* I'M SEXY AND I KNOW IT! *L* ...Light-kun?
4) *music* WIGGLE WIGgle wiggle *Light* Um.
5) *doorslam*
6) *Light* It's been fun, L.

Thank you for your time.

Deathnote/Portal crossover. Thought process behind this: Near kind of looks like a turret->And L has several things in common with GLaDOS->*random chain of thought*->You know, I'm kind of bored and I have pencils->This picture. You're very welcome. Cake.

And now, to make up for the awful photo quality, here's this:

I feel bad for laughing. But I have to.

That's about all.

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