Monday, March 19, 2012

Deathnote themes are excellent and I am apparently incapable of thought.

Basically, any activity with a DN theme in the background makes said activity ten times more awesome. And if it's L's theme, twenty times. Am I a huge nerd? Yes. Is it worth it? Definitely yes.

Guess who lettered in swimming despite inconvenient practices, a dramatic leg wound, and lungs that refuse to hold enough breath for long-distance swimming? And who also has friends who were recognized for, you know, actual accomplishments? THIS GIRLLLLLLL.
That last bit sounded so stupid that I am now doubting my own intelligence. *smart things being thought, please wait*

After contemplating covered wagons and my cat having bones for a few minutes, I now know that I cannot be smart on command.

Ai gotz no skewlz 2marawwz. That sentence did not help my doubtfulness at all.
I'm still working on my cool puzzle that I can't stop talking about.

Because it's cool.

(like me)

I had some strawberry pie-like substance today. It was good.
Meh... I'm tired. Time to show you people some pictures.

Drawn during break today. I drew Vegeta, my friend gave him a sparkly pink shirt, I added streaks in his hair and then wrote GREEN at the bottom for no reason.

Now, some things I find humorous (or humerus, if you're bones).

O_e Braaaaains. Wait. I mean yooooooooooolks.

This is really funny to me. Not entirely sure why.

Also, this is the second Cthulhu-related picture I've posted recently. :D

And now something I found on Tumblr, which I joined yesterday but probably will not be using much. Credit goes wherever it should go.

HIEI. ^.^

That is all.

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