Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Make life take the lemons back!

Hey. If you check this blog enough to notice how long it's been since my last post, don't worry. I'm not dead. My Internet was down because the modem was broken and it's my only source of interwebs. I had to go to Panera Bread yesterday to do my homework because it was the closest place with wifi.
The modem is fixed and I'm back to annoying you as usual. Feel free to cheer. If you want to have a crazy all-night party in celebration of my return, please do. Send me cake through the Internet.

Apparently, next year's marching show might be about light.


Don't judge me.
I see you judging me. Stop it.
Stop it right now.
IF YOU DO NOT STOP JUDGING ME RIGHT NOW I WILL COME TO YOUR HOUSE AND... Hm, killing is overused, isn't it? I'm going to come over with my trombone and play random notes as loudly as I can nonstop for 24 hours or however long it takes for you to go insane. And I'll put a unicorn on your head.

So I woke up at 5:30 this morning in the middle of a dream that involved zombies, planes, and random anime characters who were apparently my friends (for some reason, the part of my brain that makes up dreams is obsessed with all of these). It was the kind of dream that I would usually wake up and laugh about, but because it was still technically night, the asleep half of my brain decided that zombies were real and I was going to die. And no matter how much or how logically the awake half argued against this, I couldn't convince myself that I was not in mortal danger.

I never actually went back to sleep.

But you probably don't care about that and you might be expecting a Portal reference because of the title, so here's one just for you because I'm nice.

And here's a picture of my cat that I took a few days ago. I was in my actual work-in-progress room playing piano (actually just hitting keys until I could play a cool song), listening to music, and doing other activities that only require one person and do not involve actual effort. I thought he looked cool.

And yes, the floor is covered in construction-related dust. That tends to happen on construction sites.

I can't think of other things to say and my hands hurt from typing in an uncomfortable position, so the end.

Be like me and don't die.

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