Saturday, March 24, 2012

A letter to people involved in road races

Okay, first of all, runners: A lot of you can't run and should probably not be going three miles or any other distance. Also, taking your dog or kids just means an added burden and/or more things with questionable running ability. Organizers: DO NOT MAKE THE RUNNERS GO ACROSS A ROAD. Particularly if said road has considerable traffic. Or if it's early, as the people on the road most likely have somewhere to be. If there is enough of a gap for a car to fit, please let a car fit. As I said earlier, the people in the car are probably going somewhere. Back to the runners: Thank you for at least wearing interesting clothes (guy in the pink tutu, this means you).
Love and (awkward) hugs,

You people probably have no idea what I'm talking about, so I'll explain. This morning, I was on the way to riding as I am every Saturday, at 8:30 (stalkers no stalking). We were going to be there on time, but then we ran into a road race which I think was for breast cancer awareness/funds/something. The people directing cars were all apparently trolls, as they didn't warn us that we would have to stop until that was our only choice. They then made us stay for-this is not an exaggeration-45 minutes while the people, who were a mix of people who knew what they were doing, people who didn't, old people who may have once known how to run, children, and babies in strollers, ran slowly by. I decided to accept that we weren't going to move anytime soon, but my maternal unit was glaring at the runners with extreme hatred within 10 minutes. And then traffic finally moved and some guy screamed at us to move fast. Long story short, the 9 and 10:00 riding lessons became a giant 9:30 one because the 10:00 people were early.

After the lesson, I had to put Jack in the pasture because there was a tractor in the barn and Jack can't walk through tractors (my friends and I had a conversation about taking him to the circus if he could), and then I caught him again when the tractor had moved to put him in the stall. He was sharing the pasture with a mare named Lily, who, despite having been indifferent to Jack while he was there, went into complete panic mode as soon as he was gone and began neighing and running around like she had finally snapped and her entire world was coming to an end. So I went back and put her in the barn too. She saw that Jack was not dead, went into her stall, and commenced not caring.
Horses are insane.

I'm lazy and my internet connection is questionable, so no pictures right now. Sorry.

Here, I'll make up for it.
There. Fixed.

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