Thursday, March 1, 2012

Blood typing and some other stuff.

My science class did the blood typing lab today. Basically, you put some liquid on a slide, mix it with your blood, and if it ends up being blobs of blood then whatever that liquid was attacking is your blood type. And, of course, this requires that you bleed. I was planning on doing this lab, but the teacher began handing out the materials and explaining what to do and I slowly realized that I was going to have to stab myself if I wanted to participate in the lab.

I know most people don't like needles, but I have a serious phobia in this area. Actually, I really don't get scared much unless something involves roaches or sharp things touching me. Also, I would be scared if zombies were real or if a nuclear missile were tracking me or if giant killer chinchillas were breaking into my house, eating all the chocolate and other deliciousness, and then waiting quietly for me to come home, but I'm pretty sure I don't have to worry about that right now.
Anyway. Yeah. Pointy things + me = VORTEX OF TERROR AND DO NOT WANT.
I was actually willing to put aside my fears and go ahead with this when my teacher used some interesting imagery in her directions:

Needless to say, this ruined it. Even though rational thought says that my hand will not explode and everyone around me says it doesn't even hurt, that image made me seriously opposed to this lab. So I watched everyone else. One guy started laughing hysterically and a girl had a mini-breakdown because she was bleeding a lot, but otherwise it went quite well. Of course, having decided not to participate, I should not be the judge of this. But whateverz.

After school, I went to ride ponies and realized that I had no riding clothes and a uniform skirt was not the ideal thing to wear on horseback, so my mother decided that the most convenient thing to do would be to buy new jeans. We live in a strange world.

I finished an awesome book today. It's called Good Omens, and, if you haven't read it, it's about the coming apocalypse. It involves angels and demons (mostly just one of each) and other interesting beings, plus an interesting way of explaining how stuff happens when the world is about to end. There's an octopus in the road at one point. My point is that you should read this book, because it's really entertaining and partially British (I enjoy British humor because I grew up on Harry Potter, among other things).

Enough about books.
I think pie is sooper neat!

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