Thursday, March 15, 2012

I should plan these posts more.

But I'm lazy, so I won't.
Last night, I had this dream that I think is weird enough to put here. It was Easter or some similar holiday, so, naturally, everyone was putting out Halloween decorations. I was not participating in this because I was sitting in my room wearing this set of giant fake wings that looked like some unskilled person made a mold that was vaguely shaped like a pair of wings and then threw feathers at it until it was covered. One of the people (apparently, there was a crowd of people at my house) dropped a Halloween-themed cake in my lap and informed me that we were going to get pizza, so several of us got in the car and we drove down a road that did not in any way lead to a pizza place. There was a car coming toward us that was wide enough to cover both lanes, but somehow did not hit us. It later came back, which wasn't too unusual until we realized that there was an Asian guy driving it backwards. I don't know why it matters that he was Asian, but it did in the dream. And then we were suddenly at the pizza place and I was about to take the wings off because they looked ridiculous, but then I woke up.
Wasn't that *lovely*? OF COURSE IT WAS.

You know what's great? Anime is great. This ties in with nothing.

My dog is on the floor and she is breathing loudly.

If I were a bear, I would be on fire. Si j'étais un ours, je serais en feu.

I should restrict myself to posting only when I have something to say, shouldn't I?
...Nah, that's boring.

But seriously, I've run out of post material and I don't feel like making a picture post.
Auf wiedersehen!

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