Sunday, March 4, 2012

This post is a monstrosity of unrelated topics.

I'm not even going to try to make this follow anything.
Today, I spent two hours carrying briars around because of a community service thing involving cleaning out a garden. I somehow managed to not stab my hands repeatedly with the thorns until I was trying to get rid of the roots and one attacked my hand and then the box they were in decided to dive towards the ground like the adventurous box of potato-like roots that it is and I was all "AJEAHFGKJASFHGFKJHGRSEBBJFJAKERHBRJEIKBGFJGKVJH." There's not much to say about this, so I wasn't going to post anything today, but then I remembered some random things and I'm going to try to make this at least close to entertaining.

Okay, first random thing: I went to the fair with some of my friends a while ago, and we went on a sketchy roller coaster with no working safety bar (it moved if you held it). We didn't know this until the ride was moving, which is why we got on in the first place, but it was fun anyway. It was one of those rides that takes a picture as you go down the biggest hill and shows you what you looked like after it's over, and our picture was something like this (but probably at least a little different because I don't remember things when I'm trying to remember things and also I know I got people's hair wrong but I didn't when I was drawing it and this sentence is too long for parentheses or for, you know, grammar in general):

I am the one with the brown hair and the demon expression, in case you can't recognize me. We found this picture entertaining. And then we went on a ridiculous number of spinning rides and had slushies and got stuffed animals.

Second random thing: I once had this awesome dream that I will now tell you about.
I was at the farm, which is this cool place where my cool family goes because there's a lake and horses and stuff, for the 4th of July. For some reason, we were all sleeping on a dock in front of the porch because there was a river with large fake turtles and we wanted to watch. Then a random woman told us that we had to go to sleep or the water would come up and we would drown, so we left to avoid this and began throwing toy planes at the wall in the boathouse. The woman came back because we were being loud and threatened our lives, so we hid in the house and watched fireworks until she found us again. We then made clones of ourselves to walk around while we hid by the lake. The fireworks were going off at random even though no one was setting them off, so we continued watching them until the woman showed up and began a rambling and ridiculously confusing apology in a male Texas accent. And then I woke up. Thank you for your time.

And here's a really weird picture.

And another, but this one is not mine:

If the person who made this finds this post, please explain and you are awesome.

I got some books yesterday. I hate finishing an awesome book and then having all the other books seem average when I try reading them.

It's truck month according to the TV.
That's all I have to say.
This blog has gotten terrible lately, hasn't it?



  1. Not terrible enough for me to stop reading it :P
    It's far more interesting than most of my life xD

  2. Thank you. And what a coincedence! It's more interesting than my life too!

    Which says a lot about my life. And my exaggeration.
