Sunday, March 11, 2012

Farm trip+random pictures+stupidity=this post.

Doodle Buddy stamps are creepy. I would have switched my drawing app, but the cool one I want costs 55 more cents than I had when I tried to buy it. :(
So. This weekend, I went to the farm (meeting place for nerdy cousins) and experienced approximately a crap ton of awesomeness because my family is cool. Everyone is reading/watching Death Note, so we discussed stuff like using the Death Note to kill the Death Note, Cthulhu picking it up, L being all of the characters, Light crossing the line with spoiler spoiler spoiler, and, unrelatedly, frogs. And swords. And other things. We also visited the horses (Bobo and Skipper) and donkey (Cave Johnson) and rode the mule (the motorized variety, not an animal) around everywhere and explored the creek. It was pretty awesomesaucempossumflossem. You know you're jealous of my family.

I found some cool pictures to show you!
They're mostly from Memebase or related sites.

Best. Poem. Ever. This competes with Hiei's
I killed a man once.
He had a wife and two kids.
I slept peacefully.
(YYH Abridged. Look it up.)


I saw this a long time ago. This is pretty much my sense of humor.

WHEATLEY. And the corrupted cores. Which would be a cool band name.


I don't post many HP pictures here, but I am a giant Potterhead. Sorcerer's Stone was among the first real books I read, and I went to the book parties for the Half-Blood Prince and Deathly Hallows. No movie premieres, but I did enjoy all of them. Not as much as the books, but still. Snape is a great character, and I distinctly remember hating him at first, doubting my hatred, hating him again after the sixth, and then loving him in the last book. Beautiful art.

So, on that note, I have run out of things to say. Take care, comrades. Don't die while I'm gone.

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