Wednesday, March 7, 2012

This Economics Discussion *Plagues* Us.

You'll understand how truly horrible that pun is in a few minutes. I'm in the attic. That was completely irrelevant.
My economics class was talking about demand today, using our school as an example. When the teacher asked for an example of an increase in consumers, one person said that 40 doctors were moving in and they all had kids who should go to a fancy private school (I go to said fancy private school because our public schools suck, just for future reference). Our explanation for this was that the hypothetical hospital was opening a new wing. The teacher then asked for an example of a change in expectations. Everyone pretty much agreed with the answer.

It also explained the doctors. And it says a lot about the class that everyone laughed maniacally.
(That student is a guy. Don't judge his hair. You should be judging your own hair for being so BORING! GAH! *dramatic frown*)
Basically, this is our school(randomly changing tuition and competing schools not included):

Each cliche/pokeball doctor=10 cliche/pokeball doctors.
It was an unusually entertaining class.

And now for some random pictures I've found recently!

I don't know why this is funny.

Oh. Um. So, yeah, I know I was going to order, but I just remembered that I have a... stuff. That I have to do before the clowns eat meI MEAN BY TOMORROW. Bye!

Dear whoever made this: Please be my friend. Of the best variety.


That's everything even remotely interesting I have to say. I need to work on cutting these posts off before this turns into the Listen to All of Xenon's Boring Thoughts Blog.

I'm on the Internet.
Narwhals with wings.
Cake is good. Cake is better than non-cake. By a lot.

...That cutoff thing didn't last long, did it?


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