Monday, March 12, 2012

Cool blogs you should look at and some other detached thoughts.

I was looking at xkcd yesterday and decided that I'd try to give the awesome person who draws it some recognition/free advertising/call it what you want.

This is the only one I'll post, because xkcd is an awesometastic site that you need to visit and there's also mouseover text that's like a bonus comic. I'm too lazy to put in a link, but I'm sure you have the strength and willpower needed to type in, don't you? X. K. C. D. Got it? Good job.
While you're on this quest for cool sites, I also recommend Hyperbole and a Half (CLEAN ALL THE THINGS!) and CakeWrecks (naked mohawk baby carrot jockeys). The people who make these are awesome and make this blog look like a pathetic, burned, and partially chewed pile of shame. And you know how awesome I think I am.

I was riding Jack (a horse, for you non-stalkers who don't know that) and, because he kept trying to trot, I told him that walking is for 1337s who are talented at making cake as the reverse of my standard insult towards an activity, "___ is for n00bs who can't make a cake." If you take that as your own, I will take your soul as my own. That's called being fair.

Ahmahgaaaah you gaiz teh tiem haz teh chaenging sawce!

Chewy things.

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