Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Got back from the play. Both major characters were there. No chaos as was expected. *celebratory sounds*
When I got home, I realized that my hair had formed a curl like Italy's (watch Hetalia if you're confused). It usually makes horn-type things when I put it in a high ponytail, but it never does a Veneziano curl. I am so awesome.

So I had to post it here. Not much else has happened lately.
Here's a picture that I drew in my notes and reproduced here because it is lovely. If it's hard to tell, it's an infant holding a halberd (Swiss spear/axe combo and don't ask how I know this) and wearing both a wig made of bacon and a diaper advertising liquid Skittles while a bee trolls musicians everywhere behind him (I wrote that music really fast and it's a fail, but it goes like *restrestrestrestrestrest really low sixteenth note REALLY REALLY RIDICULOUSLY HIGH WHOLE NOTE*)

And finally, at least some of you people probably go on Memebase regularly considering the nature of this blog, but here's this awesome thing I found there if you haven't seen it:

Story if my life, pretty much.

And it's getting late and I kind of want to survive this week, so I'm stopping this post.

I'll communicate by telepathy later (insert Ed Elric asking for convenient telepathic powers and/or general Hiei reference here).

Disaster showtime funhouse!

Hello there! The play tonight is likely to be a complete insanityfest!
Two of the most important characters were out sick today. If they feel okay, they can come and act, but it's still not a good thing. There are also two minor characters out and people have been continually getting sick and coming back for the past few weeks. If the major actors are not back in time, either someone will have to replace them or we'll cancel the show. I would offer to help, but I have both a) no confidence in my voice, and a good reason for that, and b) no access to a script and therefore no idea what the lines are. And the people who have confidence in their voices and know the lines are also big characters. There was (obviously joking) discussion at lunch of a skizophrenic Ursula (main character's best friend) talking to herself, which I think would be pretty awesome but would not go with the show's theme.
Meanwhile, I will proudly say my one line and watch the chaos unfold. Not with too much amusement, of course, because do I look like the kind of person who would laugh at people being sick? *completely non-demented grin* *okay, maybe a little demented* *force of habit, don't judge*


Okay, I should probably start doing whatever I'm supposed to be doing in this situation. I have no idea if this show is even happening. The cat is meowing as usual.

I got distracted by a shiny song in my head.
I'm going now.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Play, day two/three


Random absent actors, otherwise the play went well. I have three reports to do, two of which are due Friday, and one of those is yet to be started. I have the best work ethic EVER. Maybe if I just pretend to know what I'm doing, I'll pass anyway. PROJECTS. DO NOT WANT.
And then my iPad suddenly decides to forget what gravity is and start flipping around randomly. Yay, fun.

I got a view from the Philippines today, which is cool. Hi, person. For some strange reason, another person (or maybe the same one) found the link on an orthodontist's website.
I don't even.
Hope this blog straightens your teeth, or something to that effect.

I am going to be mostly dead tomorrow, I think. And there is good evidence for that because I'm pretty sure I was trying to type 'tomottot' for a few seconds.
Fare thee well, good friends. Assuming that's what you are.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Play, day one (or two, if you're counting grandmas at practice)

Firstly, I got to ride a pewneh today. :D
Now on to stuff about the play.
It was not too much of a fail. Only a few lines were forgotten, mine was not included among them, and I spent most of my time backstage reading/messing with my phone handset, which I unplugged as a prop. If there is anyone whose number is 624421313131347474747474686868686861111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111119999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999####################111111111117436743856743895643654723658346786111111111111################ who can be called by a dead phone, I probably called you. Hi.
And then some other stuff happened. I need to show you people my beautiful fake notes that I took while pretending to be a reporter. There will be four of these, and a lot of the writing is DOOMDOOMDOOMDOOMDOOMDOOMDOOMDOOMHIREAGFJAEUIFHASUHFSEKSHGSNVJDFIERUTHDJN. But the effect is lost when I just type it.


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Xenon did productive things!?

I'm just as surprised as you! I didn't know I had that function!
Let's see what I did today (feel free to not read this if you don't care):
-Researched Cri du Chat syndrome for a science report, and I will be amused if people looking for medical information find this instead.
-Picked up sticks for an hour to get community service hours, and then couldn't tell anything had been done. Also, it took forever to type community.
-Got my remaining props for the play (legal pad, phone handset, pencil, notecard with PRESS written on it, plus a completely unnecessary plastic solar plant-look on ThinkGeek-and three packs of pop rocks) which is being performed tomorrow and we're not ready.
-Stared at the internet for a while.
-Went to play practice with my new props and scribbled on some paper while pretending to take notes. The result was interesting because I didn't know what I was writing most of the time.
-Cast party afterwards. Sat with third graders, with whom I got along very well because my mental age is somewhere between 8 and -82473924839427897879.999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999whatisthepointofthesenines999999999999999999724. And yes, it has to be that specific. I also got three slices of cake.

And then I came home and ate other food. The end.

I have no cool ideas for how this post should end and I am too lazy to draw a picture, so imagine me growing wings and obnoxiously flying around everywhere while screaming about what an awesome plane I am and then finding a flying narwhal who is my best friend.

Feeling like a human today.

Today is the first time in my life that I have gotten up before 9 AM and not felt like asfdvkbihfebvaidvbhsdvifvijvfoxvjsfbvsf. But then I remembered that I have math homework, three papers to complete in the next two weeks, and play practice/cast party today. Stop it, school.

So, of course, I'm on the Internet. I need to fix that.
This post is solving nothing. Goodbye.

Potato peel.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

More horseyness and acting.

Some stuff happened today.
Firstly, I went to the barn and rode my favorite horse, Jack (who I have mentioned several times here). I was trying out two reins, which actually isn't too complicated, but Jack was being all crazy because it was kind of cold this morning. So most of the lesson was something like this:

Also, I may have mentioned that Jack is a very smart horse. This is awesome in many cases, like if there's a risk of unusual occurrences, since he's more likely to stare at something than run away from it. Of course, it also means that he's remarkably good at finding new ways to frustrate riders. He started out with random spinning and trying to escape the ring when I first met him and has progressed to this nice little trick where he moves sideways away from the rail while simultaneously tipping his head towards it and speeding up. For non-riders, this basically means that everything I do to correct him is wrong. If I push him to the rail with my leg, he speeds up more. If I use the reins for the same purpose, he turns his head to the rail and continues his stubbornness. If I sit back and pull the reins to slow him down, he tosses his head because he doesn't like the bit. He has completely figured this out. But then, if he were easy, he wouldn't be nearly as fun.

So after the adventures on horseback, I left the barn around 11 to get a costume for the dress rehearsal of Bye Bye Birdie at 1.
And succeeded.

And then practice was a fail and the guy who was supposed to play Birdie wasn't there so the part was re-cast two days before the show and halfway through practice. Also, the lights and sound people just started today and we hadn't even worked the whole show until yesterday.
Yeah. Come see it if you're around. It'll be awesome. *terrified smile*
And then, of course, there will always be someone who notices that I'm unknowingly fidgeting with the bottom of my shirt the whole time I'm onstage, but that's not as much of a problem as the other ones I've mentioned.

Maybe it will work. Who knows? ...No. It will ultra super mega definitely work. Have faith in your stalkee, stalker.

I'm pretty sure something just hit the door.

They've found me.

LOLJK, I'm totes fine.


Friday, February 24, 2012

Random nocturnal creepiness

For whatever reason, everything decided to be ultra super mega creepy last night. I was innocently attempting sleep as I tend to do when I heard my cat meow at me.

I turned on the light to see where he was, found him nowhere, and walked through the house to find him. He was in the dining room, and I have no idea how he got there. Apparently, he can throw his voice.

Disregarding this, I went back and turned off the light again. But the ghosts/murderers/genius roaches/natural but creepy occurrences were not done yet. I could distinctly hear branches scraping the windows, despite the lack of trees or anything other than vines anywhere near the windows. So my logical conclusion was this:

But I am brave (yes I am, shut up and let me have this), so I bravely continued my efforts to sleep. And then I suddenly imagined what would happen if Russia trained Italy to be scary.

Actually, that's pretty adorable.
But to add to all of this stuff, the tiny computer-based light sources somehow ended up making the back of the mirror appear to glow.

Finally, I decided that, if there was actually a murderer or other unsavory being in my room, I had no weapons and should probably go to sleep. And then I had a dream that somehow involved peanut butter and woke up alive.

Now that you've read that, here's a polar bear who thinks it's Adele and a cannibalistic sparkly butterfly.

Happy late 4th of July!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

One thing, then I'll shut up for today.

Okay. You may go.


Literature and stuff

Hello, stalkers and friends!
Lately (as in, for the past year or so), I've been attempting to write a book. It's called The Legend of Lakwandawe, and it's about a legendary weapon left by a sorceress named Lakwandawe, who was from a planet called Onsum (like Earth but magical). A guy named Ryan looks for the weapon and meets and Onsumian girl named Xerra, who basically pwns him at everything because she knows what she's doing and he doesn't. Then they find these brothers named Sam and Squirrel. Squirrel is small and adorable, and Sam is, in my opinion, irritating. I would change him, but I have an idea for him and his attitude is essential to the plot.

So anyway, this is Xerra.

And here's Ryan.

No spoilers as I have not actually gotten very far into the plot, but Ryan has major epic later in the story.

Steal this plot and I will murder you, even if your version does turn out completely different. Also, I have no idea why you would steal it as the version I wrote here sounds really far-fetched and stupid.

In other news, we made late Mardi Gras masks today. This one is mine.

Basically, I don't like glitter and I'm bad at cutting things like eye holes out. Then my friend told me to draw an L on it. My life is pretty much Awesomesaucempossumflossem.
Holy crapcakes. The iPad just corrected awesomesauce to awesomesaucempossumflossem. :D


Wednesday, February 22, 2012

People are confusing.

I was thinking about this for some reason, and I have come up with several reasons why I tend to read/anything else rather than talk to most people (my friends and certain other awesome people excluded).

-If I'm sitting around quietly reading a book or thinking about something, people assume I'm angry or sad. However, if I tilt my head creepily sideways and grin like a maniac, they have much less of a reaction. Neither is an attempt to get attention (if you take that to mean that I enjoy tilting my head creepily sideways and grinning like a maniac, you win), but still.

-This doesn't happen much now, but random people in my class used to act really super nice to me for no apparent reason. That is, until I tried to join their conversation. This usually ended with my being mysteriously shunned. What exactly were you trying to do there...?

-Another thing that used to happen: People would say "Hey, you're, like, smart and stuff. [insert comment here]!" and later talk to me as though I couldn't understand normal speech.

-The people who need to shut up the most are those who never do. The same goes for are mean/irritating and assume everyone likes them.

-There is no possible way to treat the opposite gender without someone thinking you need to date.

-Normal people are far less entertaining than the forms of entertainment I can come up with for myself.

-Where exactly is the line for kind of knowing someone and being friends with them? The opposite of where you think it is, apparently.

-This is becoming another social awkwardness rant, isn't it? No. It's not. That's just what you think. *mysterious hand motions/flailing*
*dead serious face*

Meh, I don't like this post much. I think it's annoying. I'm posting it anyway, and maybe I'll change it to make it less annoying later on.


Interestingness in the form of murderous cabinets.

This morning, one of the cabinets in my kitchen decided that, even though it had been on the wall for more than 20 years, now would be a good time to fall down for no apparent reason. Basically, this is what happened (from my point of view, obviously):

And then there was a lot of glass and stuff to clean up and I was really late to band. The cabinet is back up now and nobody was crushed despite how much it sounded like the universe was caving in starting with my house and expanding outward until everything was engulfed by the void. How do I know what that sounds like, you ask?


Apparently, I am a mostly visual learner with bits of the other kinds mixed in. But I don't think the quizzes were entirely accurate because a lot of the questions assumed that I had trouble with stuff.

I mean, you know, lots of stuff. We're all human.

(But I'm a genius.)

Shut up and stop bragging, self. You're not a genius.

I'm done here.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A thought, which could be in the last post but I feel like being annoying today.

I was watching anime parodies/scenes/stuff on YouTube earlier, and I think it would be really ultra super mega awesome to be a voice actor. Like, the next best thing to living in the world of whoever your character(s) is/are. If nothing else, it would be cool to voice a creepy character and sneak up behind someone who knows said character just to watch them freak out. Yeah, that's the kind of loving and nice person I am. But then, if I were a famous voice actor, I might have to go to conventions and watch people have fun while I repeat several phrases over and over.

Ah, whatever. It would still be epic.

Hugs, happiness, magic, sparkles, and doom.

Nostalgiafest and horror movie marathons.

I was remembering some stuff today, and one of the things was the time I went with some friends to my lake house and watched horror movies. The people who could come were a friend from riding, a school friend, my friend that I've known since I was little (who doesn't like horror movies but came anyway), and myself. We left from the barn one Saturday after riding my cousin's stubborn horse, Orion, and set off.

Our original destination, which is in the middle of the country, had a random power outage which caused us to relocate to the lake house. There, we began trying the movies we had. The first one was more about a cop investigating rape than a horror movie, so we switched to Candyman.
We loved it. For those of you who haven't seen it, it's a fairly cheesy but quite entertaining movie about these two women named Helen and Bernadet doing a report on an urban legend (if you say "Candyman" five times into a mirror, he kills you). Chaos, bees, ghost killers with hooks for hands, and fire follows.

I wasn't too scared by the movie itself, but halfway through I saw a roach and left. Roaches are my one fear, and I despise them greatly.

So I went and listened to music with my friend who doesn't like scary movies.

The next day, we all swam in clothes due to the fact that our original plan did not include a lake. We also drank a crap ton of cream soda (basically carbonated sugar water and the best drink ever if you're not actually thirsty), and walked to a big rock. And then one of my other friends, who wasn't there because he is male, downloaded Candyman to his iPod and we all watched it until it was more comedy than horror. The end.


Monday, February 20, 2012

Realization. Or something.

I just had a mental breakthrough about why blogging is so addicting for an introvert such as myself. Basically, it's like social interaction without the pressure. If you talk to someone in real life and they don't respond, it's like this:


But on a blog, it's like this:

"Hey, maybe everyone's computers are broken."

And while I am aware that a social life is important and people who read this blog may think i don't have one, I actually do have a (fairly small) circle of friends and am capable of speaking politely to strangers if need be. So there.
Also, my social problems are not caused by the Internet. I did not enjoy or excel in social situations even when "playing on the computer" meant "bashing the keyboard repeatedly." People always thought I was lonely. I wasn't. Well, with the exception of seventh grade, but that year generally sucked in all categories and I think I can cut myself a little slack for thinking that no one would ever like me. Moving on. You probably don't care.

That's all I have to say. I need to shut up about my social awkwardness because I don't care and you don't care and it's not accomplishing anything. So I will leave you with this:

RAPTOR BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Late to the Holiday

I drew this for Valentine's Day because, while I don't like the concept or the complaining, I am all for chibi Deathnote. (And other chibi, but that is irrelevant.) Strictly speaking, it's not actually finished (Ryuk and Rem aren't quite colored) and I have no idea what happened to Near's face and the picture quality is terrible and Valentine's Day was Tuesday, but put those things aside and look at this drawing.

Evil iPad tried to leave my name at the bottom. We can't have that. It's fixed now.
That's all I have to say.
Kitties are pretty cool.

Potato Flagellum with Cheese

I will offer no explanation for that.
Today has been spent on the internet, listening to anime themes, drawing evil soulless eyes on toys, making kittens chase a stick and jump on a tree, and reading through the worst jokes known to man. Oh, and eating chocolate in my temporary room/nest while listening to rain. And now I'm blogging about it.
To make up for this pointlessness, here's a turret that I drew with my knuckle in about 30 seconds.

And you would probably enjoy a bit of creepy to go with that, so here's a thing I created during math because I could.

The original said "That spot under your bed is so comfy..." written with my left hand so that it would be extra creepy. But I forgot that when I was drawing this one and "Hello." looked cool enough, so I left it. The reason that this was created is that I was in Halloween mode instead of Valentine's Day mode last week.

I have some drawings that I'll post later. For now, that's all.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Boredom with a side of insane

I was bored today, so I went up to the attic to find my old stuff. Remember how I mentioned wanting to switch all of my old dolls' heads? They are firmly attached. They spin all the way around, but it is impossible to create strange mutant dolls with Grandma's head on Little Billy's body and vice versa. I guess I'll have to think of another activity. *sigh*

This morning, the awesome person who walks and sings loudly every day was singing "AND IIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIII WILL ALWAYYYYYS LOVE YOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUU!" I thought it was a cat at first.
I rode on a pony today. There was a dead bird in the ring. That is all.

I might post pictures later, but I'm too lazy now.

Friday, February 17, 2012

More proof of my (and my friends') insanity

I just remembered something that happened today. I was attempting to force one of my friends to read Deathnote, and this conversation occurred, though it's slightly paraphrased:
Me: *contorting backwards in chair* Read Deathnote NOW.
Friend: I'm going to spite you. *reads other book*
Me: Don't read Deathnote.
Friend: I'm using reverse reverse psychology to do the opposite of what you want.
Me: ...Then read Deathnote. Two negatives make a positive. Don't you know simple math? And English?
Friend: But negative four plus negative four is negative eight.
Me: And negative four times negative four is positive sixteen.
Friend: No it's not. Math has been lying to you.
Friend: *continues reading other book*
Me: Read Deathnote. Do it. *overly dramatic face*
Friend: No. I'm beating you at your own game.
Me: *long awkward pause filled with strange facial expressions* No. You're not. I will hit you with this glue stick.
Friend: And you will be suspended for attacking me.
Me: But you will have glue on your face and that will be uncomfortable. Now read.

And then some other people walked in and we had to stop talking lest people think I was serious about the glue stick.

Which, you know, I wasn't. At all. Not even a little.

Does anyone even care anymore?


Pictures and my semi-interesting comments, as usual.

Lately, I've been bringing my iPad to school (I needed it for a project and now it's just for fun), and my friends and I have been drawing on it during break. So I'm going to post some of those pictures along with other stuff.

This is a light at my house. I thought the negative effect looked really cool.

I hit the screen a few times and made an animal.

An animal I created:

If I remember right, my friend drew a line, I drew a dog, and my other friend drew a cat on the dog.

Skydiving walrus. Enough said.

A fish with a lot of noses. This is from the back of a comic that I drew, but I'm too lazy to post that.

We drew snakes. Line snake was turned into a pointy-toothed mouth. Other stuff happened.

This is the best one. I have no explanation.

And lastly, I made this character because I was bored. I'm not sure who or what she is, but she has wings and iridescent hair (not just rainbow). I'll have to fit her in somewhere.

That will be all.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Unfitting music IRL

Has anyone seen those YouTube videos about "[character] [doing something stupid/funny] while I play unfitting music?" I used to watch those all the time. If the song choice is both irrelevant and somehow appropriate, and if the clip is awesome enough, they can be pretty good for a few minutes of entertainment. But anyway, I was listening to music and derping on the Internet a few minutes ago and this happened:

Oh yes.
The song that was on when I typed that was going "AWWWW NO. NO. NO." I think they had it better.
My dog is aimlessly licking her leg while staring at me. She's so cool. And 11 as of recently. Good dog.

But I'm getting off topic, and people who aren't me probably don't want to hear about Turtle B. Burtle (Bootle) [surname redacted], born on February 3 (we think) and found in a dumpster by some cool people who took her and her litter to the vet, where my grandmother found her and gave her to four-year-old me, who desperately wanted a dog...

Assuming you didn't skip over that, you just read my dog's origin story. Congratulations.

That's about all.
Peaches and hurricanes and lava.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'll leave this for you to figure out.

I'm taking questions. But my iPad may or may not allow me to respond.

What was that? I can't hear you over my AWESOME CHOCOLATE.

Bet you don't have as much. ^.^
So today was the day when everyone sent carnations to everyone else to take part in the commercialism of Valentine's Day (while I enjoy chocolate, I'm opposed to other overpriced pink goods). I sent none because I'm cheap and terrible at stuff like that, and received five. And then I was all "Heh heh heh... I hope you weren't expecting one back..."
But on a cooler note, I got a large pile of chocolate that I'm pleased about. And the teachers kept giving us candy. And the last 20 minutes of French involved making cards for a teacher. I cut out the letters of "Vous ĂȘtes geniale!" from construction paper and spent forever gluing them down. And I decided on who it was for in the last two seconds before I would be counted late for the next class. BUT.
I managed. *fistpump*

On an unrelated note, I want to go up to the attic, find all of my old dolls, and switch their heads just to disturb whoever sees them next.

And now, here's a narwhal with wings.

You're welcome.

Monday, February 13, 2012

I drew a couple of stupid pictures.

Actually, none of these are new, but I decided to post something today despite not having ideas.

Here's a slime from Dragon Quest:

A baby:

Colorless me glowing:

L being confused (okay, yeah, I didn't draw this):

The product of my practice drawing eyes on my iPad:

A very confusing stamp-drawing of frogs and fire:

And finally, a semi-fail doodle of Kurama:

You're welcome.

Tomorrow is chocolate day!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!11!!one!!!!!

Puppeh dawgz.

I just remembered this: I forgot to turn of my phone today. Normally, that wouldn't be a problem as no one ever calls me, but it went off in the middle of art. Not in my contacts. Not a number that I know. The caller was in LA.
I'm not going to be specific about where I live on this blog, but it's not California. Not even on the same side of the country. I'm pretty sure I don't know anyone who lives there. Wrong number? Probably. But then, maybe not. Maybe some random LA resident somehow found my number despite its not being anywhere online to my knowledge and decided to call me. And didn't leave a voicemail.

Maybe I'm important!
But probably not.
Okay. That's all.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

First game of Mario Kart in a while.

This was a few weeks ago, but I was too lazy to mention it before now.
Mario Kart is the most stressful game I have ever played. Halfway through the race, it suddenly stops making sense and everyone passes me despite having inferior vehicles. Of course, being a beast, I usually win anyway, but it's most definitely frustrating. Also, the world would be a wonderful and chaotic place if it were real. I would have large piles of bananas and strangely colored turtles in my new car, and I would so win.

Because I'm that cool.

Having no more to say on that subject, here is a smug fish.


Dancing? Me? NO.

Hello again, lovely minions.
Today was the day of my school's Sadie Hawkins dance, where the girls have to ask the guys. It's supposed to show us how hard prom is for guys, but it starts two years before prom so maybe it's the other way around. Anyway, I decided not to be forever alone and actually ask someone, so I asked a friend in my band who is nerdy like me.
As a somewhat introverted, solitary, quiet, and socially awkward person by nature, this is what dances are usually like for me:

And then people grab me and try to make me dance, but I feel stupid so I end up flailing for a few seconds and then going back to wherever they're keeping the food. And I usually leave early so I can go back to reading/Internet/whatever like the nerd that I am.
This time was different.

As neither of us enjoy dancing or fancy things, we played Portal for a while and then went to the dance, stood around, and talked to/irritated people. And then the power at my house was out so we were cold for a while. And slightly paranoid of chainsaw murderers, but we decided that we were the people who would survive the whole horror movie and were therefore not as creeped out.

And I wore a cape.
You tell me that's not cool.

Also, I've pretty much exhausted this topic.
Pieces of chicken.