Saturday, February 25, 2012

More horseyness and acting.

Some stuff happened today.
Firstly, I went to the barn and rode my favorite horse, Jack (who I have mentioned several times here). I was trying out two reins, which actually isn't too complicated, but Jack was being all crazy because it was kind of cold this morning. So most of the lesson was something like this:

Also, I may have mentioned that Jack is a very smart horse. This is awesome in many cases, like if there's a risk of unusual occurrences, since he's more likely to stare at something than run away from it. Of course, it also means that he's remarkably good at finding new ways to frustrate riders. He started out with random spinning and trying to escape the ring when I first met him and has progressed to this nice little trick where he moves sideways away from the rail while simultaneously tipping his head towards it and speeding up. For non-riders, this basically means that everything I do to correct him is wrong. If I push him to the rail with my leg, he speeds up more. If I use the reins for the same purpose, he turns his head to the rail and continues his stubbornness. If I sit back and pull the reins to slow him down, he tosses his head because he doesn't like the bit. He has completely figured this out. But then, if he were easy, he wouldn't be nearly as fun.

So after the adventures on horseback, I left the barn around 11 to get a costume for the dress rehearsal of Bye Bye Birdie at 1.
And succeeded.

And then practice was a fail and the guy who was supposed to play Birdie wasn't there so the part was re-cast two days before the show and halfway through practice. Also, the lights and sound people just started today and we hadn't even worked the whole show until yesterday.
Yeah. Come see it if you're around. It'll be awesome. *terrified smile*
And then, of course, there will always be someone who notices that I'm unknowingly fidgeting with the bottom of my shirt the whole time I'm onstage, but that's not as much of a problem as the other ones I've mentioned.

Maybe it will work. Who knows? ...No. It will ultra super mega definitely work. Have faith in your stalkee, stalker.

I'm pretty sure something just hit the door.

They've found me.

LOLJK, I'm totes fine.


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