Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Me + memory loss = bad.

I was thinking about this earlier for some reason, and I think that if I were to suddenly forget everything about myself, I would be a very confused person. My reason for thinking this is that almost all of my belongings and creations seem weird to people who don't know me. For example, I wrote this on my hand today:

[Crap picture FTW. It says 'Bring Deathnote & defeat the Huns.']
I promise you that there's an explanation for that.
Also, if I were to get on this iPad again, assuming I could figure out the strange password it has, I would find pictures like this:

Or this:

And then I would really begin to wonder who I was. Not to mention that my room is not technically a bedroom and it is full of things like a picture of a worm surrounded by rainbows, a model of a black dragon sitting on skulls, My Little Ponies from when I was a small human, a Companion Cube, and two fake swords.

So yeah.

Also, my school is having Spirit Week, where everyone dresses as various things according to the theme. Today was Occupation Day. This is my costume:

Yeah. Zombie slayer, in case you were wondering. And my French teacher was confused because this is the second time in the past few days that people have worn swimming goggles in her class (I needed them to keep brains out of my eyes). The first time? My friends and me. We're just that cool. Tomorrow is Patriotic Day. Not much creative I can do with that except wear one red and one blue shoe. And I was already America for Homecoming week. The interesting level of this post is

...No, poorly edited Mello/Vegeta. I would have to be really delusional to say that.
But it's kind of turning into me rambling about costumes. That is, before I suddenly veered wildly off topic and posted a picture of Mello.
In case you were wondering, I have been taking pictures of my Deathnote manga and editing them with Doodle Buddy. Why? Because I'm weird like that and it's the most convenient technology I have at the moment.


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