Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Disaster showtime funhouse!

Hello there! The play tonight is likely to be a complete insanityfest!
Two of the most important characters were out sick today. If they feel okay, they can come and act, but it's still not a good thing. There are also two minor characters out and people have been continually getting sick and coming back for the past few weeks. If the major actors are not back in time, either someone will have to replace them or we'll cancel the show. I would offer to help, but I have both a) no confidence in my voice, and a good reason for that, and b) no access to a script and therefore no idea what the lines are. And the people who have confidence in their voices and know the lines are also big characters. There was (obviously joking) discussion at lunch of a skizophrenic Ursula (main character's best friend) talking to herself, which I think would be pretty awesome but would not go with the show's theme.
Meanwhile, I will proudly say my one line and watch the chaos unfold. Not with too much amusement, of course, because do I look like the kind of person who would laugh at people being sick? *completely non-demented grin* *okay, maybe a little demented* *force of habit, don't judge*


Okay, I should probably start doing whatever I'm supposed to be doing in this situation. I have no idea if this show is even happening. The cat is meowing as usual.

I got distracted by a shiny song in my head.
I'm going now.


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