Thursday, February 23, 2012

Literature and stuff

Hello, stalkers and friends!
Lately (as in, for the past year or so), I've been attempting to write a book. It's called The Legend of Lakwandawe, and it's about a legendary weapon left by a sorceress named Lakwandawe, who was from a planet called Onsum (like Earth but magical). A guy named Ryan looks for the weapon and meets and Onsumian girl named Xerra, who basically pwns him at everything because she knows what she's doing and he doesn't. Then they find these brothers named Sam and Squirrel. Squirrel is small and adorable, and Sam is, in my opinion, irritating. I would change him, but I have an idea for him and his attitude is essential to the plot.

So anyway, this is Xerra.

And here's Ryan.

No spoilers as I have not actually gotten very far into the plot, but Ryan has major epic later in the story.

Steal this plot and I will murder you, even if your version does turn out completely different. Also, I have no idea why you would steal it as the version I wrote here sounds really far-fetched and stupid.

In other news, we made late Mardi Gras masks today. This one is mine.

Basically, I don't like glitter and I'm bad at cutting things like eye holes out. Then my friend told me to draw an L on it. My life is pretty much Awesomesaucempossumflossem.
Holy crapcakes. The iPad just corrected awesomesauce to awesomesaucempossumflossem. :D


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