Thursday, February 9, 2012

Xenon mishears a commercial and writes a post about it.

This post! Think about that for a second.
So anyway, I was sitting around and watching anime/whatever and a Kia commercial came on TV. Yes, people who stalk me, I've already said something about this. But listen again. Or don't, as I honestly don't care. But the commercial was all "KIA! KIA!!!!!!!!!! YAEYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!" and I, being the otaku that I am, did something like this:

So people are already cheering for him on TV? What did I miss? How long was I out?

Or... Wait... Deathnote starts in 2003 or 2004, right? So we went back in time suddenly?
But the commercial was for Kia, so that's all irrelevant.

Or was it?

This post has no other purpose, so I think I'll stop before it becomes less of a random post and more of a random post written by a morbidly obese seal with motor issues.

Is this the second mention of seals writing this blog so far? What is wrong with me? Or seals?
Anyway, peace. Doodz. Or something to that effect.

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