Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Unfitting music IRL

Has anyone seen those YouTube videos about "[character] [doing something stupid/funny] while I play unfitting music?" I used to watch those all the time. If the song choice is both irrelevant and somehow appropriate, and if the clip is awesome enough, they can be pretty good for a few minutes of entertainment. But anyway, I was listening to music and derping on the Internet a few minutes ago and this happened:

Oh yes.
The song that was on when I typed that was going "AWWWW NO. NO. NO." I think they had it better.
My dog is aimlessly licking her leg while staring at me. She's so cool. And 11 as of recently. Good dog.

But I'm getting off topic, and people who aren't me probably don't want to hear about Turtle B. Burtle (Bootle) [surname redacted], born on February 3 (we think) and found in a dumpster by some cool people who took her and her litter to the vet, where my grandmother found her and gave her to four-year-old me, who desperately wanted a dog...

Assuming you didn't skip over that, you just read my dog's origin story. Congratulations.

That's about all.
Peaches and hurricanes and lava.

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