Friday, February 10, 2012

Xenon is also a person?

For those of you who don't know me in real life, yes. I actually am a person, though my blog persona is very different from my real life self.
Basically, this is blog me or me when I'm hyper and/or with friends:

And this is me as strangers see me:

This is not much of an exaggeration. I was known as "the girl who never speaks" until about sixth grade. Basically, if someone who isn't among my friends starts a conversation, I'll carry it to the best of my ability (not very well), but in all honesty I'd rather be reading or drawing or doing something cool. Also, I have become trapped in several conversations because apparently my natural expression looks either sad or angry and people have been compelled to ask if something was wrong. And I'm all "I'm fine. No, not irritating dramatic girl fine. Actual fine. Yes, I'm sure. ...Yes, pinky promise. Look, I was making up a cool story in my head and I'd like to get somewhere with it. Don't you do that?

Oh, look, I have to go this way now. Goodbye."

And then there's my tendency to stare off into space and suddenly realize that someone is right where I'm staring. But I think I've said enough for you to get the point that I'm quite socially awkward.
On a related subject, I also enjoy trolling people from time to time by doing something really weird, but quietly so it goes unnoticed until someone actually becomes observant. Example: When I read about half of a book upside down and laughed as people noticed one by one what was weird. This lasted for several days. I love that ability.

Bored. Acting too self-centered again. Fare thee well.

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