Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What was that? I can't hear you over my AWESOME CHOCOLATE.

Bet you don't have as much. ^.^
So today was the day when everyone sent carnations to everyone else to take part in the commercialism of Valentine's Day (while I enjoy chocolate, I'm opposed to other overpriced pink goods). I sent none because I'm cheap and terrible at stuff like that, and received five. And then I was all "Heh heh heh... I hope you weren't expecting one back..."
But on a cooler note, I got a large pile of chocolate that I'm pleased about. And the teachers kept giving us candy. And the last 20 minutes of French involved making cards for a teacher. I cut out the letters of "Vous ĂȘtes geniale!" from construction paper and spent forever gluing them down. And I decided on who it was for in the last two seconds before I would be counted late for the next class. BUT.
I managed. *fistpump*

On an unrelated note, I want to go up to the attic, find all of my old dolls, and switch their heads just to disturb whoever sees them next.

And now, here's a narwhal with wings.

You're welcome.


    I have a random 3 views from Russia and a random 1 from Germany. WTF?
