Monday, February 20, 2012

Realization. Or something.

I just had a mental breakthrough about why blogging is so addicting for an introvert such as myself. Basically, it's like social interaction without the pressure. If you talk to someone in real life and they don't respond, it's like this:


But on a blog, it's like this:

"Hey, maybe everyone's computers are broken."

And while I am aware that a social life is important and people who read this blog may think i don't have one, I actually do have a (fairly small) circle of friends and am capable of speaking politely to strangers if need be. So there.
Also, my social problems are not caused by the Internet. I did not enjoy or excel in social situations even when "playing on the computer" meant "bashing the keyboard repeatedly." People always thought I was lonely. I wasn't. Well, with the exception of seventh grade, but that year generally sucked in all categories and I think I can cut myself a little slack for thinking that no one would ever like me. Moving on. You probably don't care.

That's all I have to say. I need to shut up about my social awkwardness because I don't care and you don't care and it's not accomplishing anything. So I will leave you with this:

RAPTOR BACON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!


  1. Raptor bacon sounds interesting. I would like to try it. And in the long run I think that a small circle of friends is better. Unless, of course, you have a small circle of friends because EVERYONE else is you mortal enemy. When everyone else doesn't care, then life's good. They won't be preparing for your imminent assault on their souls. If you feel like assaulting their souls that is. Just don't be a FRIEZAbout it!!! King Kai would approve! AH! It's asking for TWO words to make sure I'm not a robot!? Noooo!!!! Robots must have advanced!!!! The Matrix event is about to happen!!!!!!!!!!!!! And now numbers!!!!???? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

  2. You are completely insane. That's all I have to say.
