Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Internet had some issues...

Hello there human(s)/other!
You might have noticed that I haven't posted in a couple of days. That would be because my internet decided to be stupid and not load anything for a while.
Basically, I was all

And then the internet was like

And I was just all

And then I told you this story with the grammar of an ADD 10-year-old. Like, OMG! Did you hear about what Billy did! OMGHEDIDNOT. Like, yeah, he totally did! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGSGUYKYTDGHTHMGTDHTDHX!!!!!

What was I talking about? Oh right, nothing important. So anyway, teh interwebz have gotten better now as you can tell by my posting this.

Today I was riding my bike and a bug got in my mouth and I thought it was a piece of tooth until I realized it was actually a bug and was disgusted.

Also,I promise that just because I talk like a mentally unstable seal with a broken computer and a lack of grammar education here doesn't mean I do the same normally. I'm actually reasonably smart, possibly. But you're hearing this from me.

I haven't said anything about Dragon Ball Z in a while. It's my first and favorite anime, so I feel kind of bad. To fix this, I drew you some stuff!

Vegeta being irritated as usual. Probably because I'm putting him here where people will look at him.

I'm... not sure what happened to Piccolo.

And finally...

MOVE NOW. Also, this is the only non-fail out of those three. And I would post more, but I'm too lazy to draw them.

That's all.


  1. Computers tend to do that sometimes. And all of your paintings/drawings are great!

  2. Thanks to the you. Also, talking like a human is for noobs,
