Monday, January 9, 2012

Hello there, human...

It's very, very nice to see you here. Extremely nice, in fact. Wonderful. I could not be more ecstatic to see you today.
Ahem. Creepy intro aside, I would like to inform you, the wonderful person reading this who has awesome taste in blogs, that my dog has eyes. Just in case you were wondering. She uses her eyes to stare at people. Much like I'm definitely not staring at you right now.
...Um. Anyway, yeah, my dog stares at people and occasionally has a random burst of puppy energy despite being 11 years old. Said dog is pretty awesome, and I'm not sure why I started talking about her. She's a cool dog, and she is committed to guarding the backyard every day. It's funny-she gets confused if we let her in too early because the yard is left to the cats and other possible threats that you can only imagine and I SWEAR TO YOU THEY'RE GOING TO BREAK INTO THIS HOUSE and that will be bad. But then she calms down after a while and stares at us humans again. And sniffs people's knees (checking for arrows, perhaps?) when they come inside.
I've basically run out of things to say and there may or may not be zombies attacking my house so I should probably grab a weapon and check up on that, so farewell.


P.S. I looked out my window earlier and the moon behind a tree and some fog looked like a setting for a horror story. And now I want to hear a horror story, which is not likely to happen soon. *sigh* We listened to creepy music during art today while drawing shapes. I enjoyed it.
Bye for real now.
(That picture is totally supposed to be sideways, and you look funny looking at it. If you're not turning your head over, you still look funny.)

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