Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Favorite Horse :3

I'm pretty sure I've mentioned my favorite horse a few times on this blog. If you don't know him, he's a short Morgan who looks something like this but with markings that I was too lazy to draw:

He's also exceedingly smart and hardly ever willing to slow down. We have a game called "When I Pull the Reins, You Forget Your Training" that we play a lot (mostly during shows). He actually has gotten better about that, and about tucking his head and picking up the right lead. But he still decides to mess with me occasionally. I guess the reason I'm writing this is because I rode him today, although he was actually unexpectedly well-behaved this time. He got a treat at the end of his lesson (we have another game where I make him guess which hand the treat is in, which he plays enthusiastically), and then proceeded to hit me with his nose for no apparent reason. It was adorable for a while, but then he decided to push my face so that my head hit the wall, so I told him to stop it. Being the good horse he is, he stopped. And then I left him in his stall after I was done grooming him. Anticlimactic ending FTW!

Also, while I was writing this, a random roach showed up in my room and I had to stop writing, rescue my unwrapped candy, make sure the roach was dead, and move to a non-infested room. I also drew you a picture because drawing is funsauce.

The writing above the roach says "Here's the problem! Too many toasters!" and the brown object on the wonderfully depicted dresser is chocolate.

I don't even know why roaches exist. As food for other animals? To crawl on things? Why are they here!?
That's about it.
Founder of the future What is the Point of Roaches club

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