Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I like Trans.

Title explanation: French classwork involving a kid named Tran. And the I Like Trains Kid, though that was just implied.
That reminded me of one of my random stories I wrote during study hall once. It involved Salt Baby (a giant baby made of grass from an older story) and two other people at the mall, where one of the strange things was the exit sign that said 'MANGO' but 'exit' was implied.
...I don't even remember why I started this post. Self, why did you start this post? No reason? NOT A GOOD ANSWER, SELF.
So I remembered because people have begun to mention it recently that Valentine's Day is coming up. From someone like me, you might expect a rant/comment on how stupid the entire holiday is, but nope. I somewhat like candy, and Valentine's Day supplies plenty of that. Of course, depending on the circumstances, a lot of the candy is just to make up for being forever alone while watching all the couples being extra annoying all day, but I can ignore that if I have sufficient sugar. Maybe? *dramatic sniff* But I'm getting off topic, and that's bad since I never had a very clear point to this in the first place. It's like there's a train going along on an unfamiliar track and it derails but somehow jumps onto another track, and then it does it again three times before derailing. And then it jumps onto yet another track that leads to an undisclosed destination.
...That sounds like the coolest train ever. How much is a ticket and can I ever get off of it if it gets boring?
I just took the subject from trains to Salt Baby to Valentine's Day to sugar and back to trains. Hold your applause, because I'm about to take it to some other topics.
And then you can applaud. Violently, if you wish.
And also if you don't wish, because it would be amusing if people reading this suddenly began roaring and slamming their hands together and onto the surrounding furniture and innocent bystanders.
So I was drawing a picture with a bunch of Death Note characters for Vday (which is a stupid thing to call it but I'm too lazy to type it out and apparently not too lazy to type this long explanation of it) that ended up having less to do with romance and more to do with food. Mainly because I have yet to find an anime pairing that I like, but that's a story for another day (and by that I mean never). I would show it to you people, but I prefer to wait and repair any stupidity-based mistakes before I post it on teh interwebz. So basically, this was completely pointless. Good job, me! *high fives self* *so basically just claps* *oh shut up, which is apparently an action*

I'm pretty much just wasting your time now.
Ghostie wostie antimatter!


  1. Hi. I am also immortal (or about to find out how) I know you in real life. If you post my initials backwards in one of your blogs, then you will receive a prize. If you don't figure this out immediately, please at least mention that you read it so that I know you read it. Just remember; you may be powerful, but I have the mind!

  2. Hello there. You must be delusional, as you appear to think that you can be superior to me. Silly human! Anyway, I'm glad another person has found this blog. Good job on that.
    *evil grin*

    1. Haha, so you think. If nothing else, I will be the most difficult entity you have ever faced. Though I would prefer not having to do that ( end of the world and such) and I am human by birth, but mortal I am none.

  3. You seem to be falling victim to wishful thinking once again, my friend. Immortality is mine if it is anyone's. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

    1. More than one cannot hold immortality. And it's not wishful thinking. I have the most powerful mind in the universe! You may have the power, but I still maintain the mind.

    2. ...*smiles* Just keep thinking that.
