Sunday, January 29, 2012

Smaller me was a cat.

Surprisingly, I don't think I've mentioned this here before despite its being a fairly huge part of my life, but I'm mentioning it now. Brace yourself.
When I was a little kid, I constantly acted like a cat for no apparent reason. This wasn't just the occasional pretending game, it was constant. When I was sleeping, I slept curled up.

(Weird hair explanation: I didn't have a haircut for most of my childhood and also it was a lot lighter then.)

When I woke up, I did cat stretches.

And then I walked around on all fours all day and ended up having ridiculous child abs as a result.

I thought it was great, but looking back I'm pretty sure people wondered about me. There was also the time when I had an Ord costume from Dragon Tales that I wore everywhere for a year, but that's a different story.
My cat obsession, fed by The Aristocats and my own cat, Buster, is why I have a scar on my face now (if you didn't know that, now you do). I enjoyed following Buster around on all fours and pretending to be a cat, and one day he decided I needed to quit doing that.

After this, I screamed and otherwise freaked out as my traumatized parental units took me to the doctor. I would have gotten stitches, but apparently the doctor thought that the risk of screwing up my eye was greater than the risk of my having a scar for the rest of my life, so I ended up with a fancy Band-Aid instead. For some reason, the only thing that has remained in my mind from that experience is Buster swatting at me and then me back from the doctor, staring at my reflection in the metal part of the stove because I had a new giant injury on my face.

The scar is kind of hard to notice now, but you can still tell if you look enough. I know they make that stuff that you can put on a scar to make it go away, but it's not an ugly scar and it reminds me of Buster, who was an awesomely fantastic cat, so I never wanted to use that.

Thus concludes the story of my child self's cat obsession. Kind of.
Also, looking back at my childhood, I realize that the only time I ever acted like a normal kid was when I thought I was supposed to act all girly and annoying. When I got out of that phase, I went back to my strangeness. Insanity, at least my brand, is born, not made.

Now I'm done.
Meow mew meoooooow meow meow.


  1. the only insanity that causes problems is when you are insane, smart, and also have an unending thirst for power and blood. fortunately, you do not thirst for blood. :P

  2. haha. and nice self depictions again.
