Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Message to the people who fail at delivering things

This is for the people sending me the volume of Death Note that I ordered. Read it if you wish and enjoy my passive aggression.

Dear whatever company is shipping this book,
So you know how I ordered some manga about two weeks ago?

...You know, actually, I'm beginning to doubt whether or not you remember. As you could probably tell by the fact that I, well, ordered it, I kind of want to read it. I don't want your substitutions made up mostly of oxygen and nitrogen, no matter how nice that empty space on the table looks. I want my reading material. I want to finish the story. I want to be safe from spoilers, which are already beginning to appear everywhere and I want to read this and deal with it myself. I want to add this to my list of finished manga. What I do not want is to wait until Monday or later, which is what I have to do because you fail at shipping books. And probably other things, too. Don't misunderstand me. I'm willing to cut you some slack if there are a lot of orders right now for some reason. But seriously, you told me it had shipped. About a week ago. What have you been doing this whole time?
I should probably wrap this up as it's not likely you'll ever read this.

I'll be waiting when you get here, delivery people. Keep that in mind.

Hugs and mortal peril,

Edit: Apparently, the date it will arrive will be between tomorrow and the end of the month.
-.- Postage, I am dissapoint.

Another edit: They might have read this, as I got the book. Passive aggression FTW!

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