Sunday, January 8, 2012

Shoutout to the Explosions Reading This

What's that? This title makes no sense? *laugh* You don't know me at all, do you? Silly little sane people stumbling across my blog. How'd you get here, anyway?
That reminds me. I was checking my blog's stats (which is addicting for some reason) and I found that I get around 3 views every day in Russia. I am very confused. Also, if the Russian people are reading this, hi! I know three words in Russian! Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! And if anyone else is reading this, hi as well. I don't know who you are. *smile*
So I went to Barnes and Noble today because I hadn't been in a whole week and got a copy of L Change the World. The only copy they had, by the way, and there probably won't be another anytime soon. My Barnes and Noble is terrible about restocking manga-there are several ones I've bought that are still missing. This saddens me. But back to the point, I'm really excited about this book. Disregarding the fact that I'm halfway through another book and have several others I'd like to read, including one I got today that looks wonderfully freaky. I like books. Don't judge me. *suspicious glare*

Aaaaanyway, I don't seem to have any more topics to discuss, so I'll let you, my dear hypothetical readers, go on with your lives. Have fun.


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