Saturday, January 28, 2012

Today's adventure: Drawing on a construction site. And then over-analyzing my drawing skills.

Hello, humanoid readers. And non-humanoid ones, though you guys are definitely a minority here.
Today, my father was working on getting my room back to livable condition (it's undergoing renovation because the ceiling was sagging and somehow fixing the ceiling turned into redoing the room and adding half the attic to it) and told me that I needed to go up there and draw/use teh interwebz. Which was okay, except that there was construction going on and construction involves saws, which are loud. So every few minutes, I would be minding my own business and suddenly there would be this ridiculous screaming noise punching my ears in.

Fun, huh?
Despite this, I actually did get a picture started. It was of a character in a story I'm writing, and it was going okay despite my not having much of an idea of where her limbs should go. (Side note: I have this problem because I'm awkward and am usually not aware of where my limbs are until I look and wonder what my arm is doing twisting off sideways or holding my other arm for no apparent reason.) But then this happened:

I am usually a fairly competent artist. At the very least, you can tell what the subject of my drawings are supposed to be. But I am a total failure at hands. If they are not fists, I can't seem to convince the person looking at the drawing that it's not a sack of overweight slugs painted peach and attached to the character's arm stump. Adding more detail usually results in them looking like a sack of overweight slugs painted gray and attached to the character's arm stump because of how small they are and how blunt my pencil probably is. And if I make them thinner, they end up looking pointy enough to be intensely painful to anyone or anything in their way. My point being, I think I need practice on that. And on foreshortening, because it always looks less like it's closer and more like it's a short and fat version of the original.

I realize that you probably don't care, so I'll shut up.
About that.

One of the alley cats scratched me again today. I was all "Hi Peel! Come chase this stick-type thing I have!" and Peel said "No. Hands are more fun to scratch." And then my hand and I were very sad and Peel didn't care much. By the way, yes, the cat's name is Peel (his full name is Dr. Banana Peel). He is an interesting kitty and has a brother named Smoke who acts like he isn't scared of me until I'm directly in front of him and a sibling whose gender is unidentified named Boo2 (I don't think there's a real spelling) who has an all-consuming, irrational fear of humans. And then there's their mother, Hermione, who is indifferent to everyone but lets me pet her.

It suddenly got dark while I was writing that. I had to turn the lamp on. My wonderful Saturday! It is drawing to a close!

I got to ride my horse today. He was being frustrating, but I still enjoy him because he is Jack and Jack is a nice pony despite his occasional stubbornness and constant wish to go faster. I need to ride him more.

I hate how every time there's a break or a weekend, the teachers all think they can assign extra homework/projects because we have extra time to do the work. They don't seem to register that most humans have actual lives and that we need breaks to get back to those after an eternity of schoolwork.

And now I must depart. Take care of yourselves, humans. And animals and plants.



  1. Hahaha! I'm a bad artist (though I have pencil sketched one AMAZING picture) but hands are really terrible. "yeah, this is gonna be great" :3
    *draws hands* NNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! Tis ruined :'(
    The same thing happens when I try to color something. Doesn't work.
    Also, can I be a non-humanoid that looks like a humanoid?
    And you self depictions are great!

  2. Very long comment you have there. And thank you.

  3. Lol. Did you see my pencil sketch that I couldn't match if I tried?

    1. Thanks. You are being shockingly nice to me. You know, with daily death threats. :P

  4. I am a very nice person. Besides, I'm going to kill you anyway. Why shouldn't I be nice?

    1. You are one of the few people(?) that I know that can logically take any situation and put themselves on top of it. Oh yeah, and get yo fone!!!

  5. Thank you very much, I think. And I'm lazy! :(
