Friday, January 20, 2012

Honor bands and such

Hello, mortalkind. I am wearing a trench coat. Just saying.
So I didn't post yesterday because I was too lazy to figure out the hotel wifi and it was late. But I figured it out today and so I think I'll tell you about my trombonish adventures here at the band thing I'm doing.

We got there yesterday for auditions around 4. Despite being nervous, I was pretty sure I would survive. Everyone practiced for a while, and I was thinking that I could actually pull off the ridiculous étude we were assigned. I even managed to hit the high note for the first time ever. I went to the audition room reasonably confident of my success, forgetting that I am the worst auditioner ever.
I picked up my trombone and promptly forgot what the piece sounded like, what a slide position was supposed to do, and how to play trombone in general.
After enduring a few minutes of helplessly trying to play the same song I had flawlessly practiced just a few minutes before, I left the room. The judges inside gave me comments to the tune of "Oh, that's... really great. Yeah." I managed to forget about my disgrace to the name of all trombones by the end of the day, though, and the other bandies and I did some cool stuff, tried to eat dinner but instead got candy because dinner was expensive, went to a concert, and picked back up trying to find dinner. After a few minutes of walking around downtown, we found a Mexican place and went in.
The food was decent despite the salsa tasting slightly off, but I found the murals on the walls somewhat disquieting.

First, there was this:

I'm not even exaggerating all that much. I don't know what the artist had in mind, but it probably wasn't a bullfighter. There was also a picture of a guy hitting what looked like a giant asparagus with a knife, which was being held by the blade with a straight arm. I have no idea what it was supposed to be.

Strange Mexican restaurants aside, we got our chair placements today. I got 12th chair in one of the lower bands, but it was not last and I should be grateful. We're playing some interesting songs, one of which involves continually maiming pieces of paper. As an artist (debatable, actually), this bothers me a little, but I'm willing to overlook it for the sake of music and destruction.

Also, my new Death Note (volume) finally arrived yesterday. I finished it today. I was satisfied with the ending despite that it involved [spoiler deleted]. If you don't stalk me in real life, sorry. There's really no way to know what I actually meant to say there before I so courteously removed the spoiler for future DN readers/watchers. And now I'm done with that series. Time to get back to FMA.

That's all for right now. I might come back at some point in the future.

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