Saturday, January 14, 2012

I drew you a pretty picture!

It's one of my cartoon characters' eyes! With a demented red iris!

Don't you love it? Of course you do. Because it's beautiful and I spent a whole 30 or so seconds drawing it. You love it. You love it.
Ahem. *turns off hypnosis* I have no idea what this post is supposed to be about. Have you noticed that I do that sometimes?
It was cold this morning. You can tell because I was actually cold, despite having an immunity to lower temperatures (or at least the kind we have here in the South, which is not much to speak of). So my horse (not actually my horse, but I ride him most) was all "Hey! Canter? Is that what we're doing? We should totally at least trot! Come on! Let's go! Fast! Faster than that! Yaaaaaaay!" and I was telling him to stop that because my legs were a mile away from his sides and I was leaning back and tugging the reins every time he sped up. But he took that to mean that I was just pretending not to want to go fast. And every time I got him to a decent pace, another horse would pass by trotting or cantering, which would excite him and cause him to speed up again. The whole lesson was like this, though I guess I should be glad that Jack isn't quite as bad about this as he was when I first started riding him. Trust me. That was painfully frustrating.
But enough about horses. I'm running out of things to say about them anyway. Actually I'm running out of things to say in general, so it's probably time to end this post before it becomes an abomination comprised of piles and piles of excruciatingly boring words that are on fire, but it's not an exciting fire so it isn't fun to watch and also there are roaches all over it and they make everyone freak out and run away or destroy their computers, and I don't want to do that, now do I?

So, yeah.
Team fire FTW!

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